Chapter 6 - 4/4 & 3/3

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Phil showed Tommy his new room while me and Techno stayed in the kitchen and dining room. As I finished my food I took it slowly to the sink when Techno finally started doing the dishes. I had no motivation to do it. Esspecially now that Tommy is here! He seemed like he could cause choas and I wanted to know if that was true. As I slowly made my Way next to my brother I was already putting my plate in the sink before he bat an eye on it. I rushed to the door way to fast and Almost tripped.

"What are you planning to even fall over?" a monotone voice spoke for the First time since Our new brother first arrived.

"I didn't fell over. One. Two, I heard from Phil him and his friends were troublemakers." I said as a seeable confusion came across the face of his. He stopped, the water still going, him staring at me as I continue. "So I Want more information other than 'trouble'." I said. As I was about to leave again I hear the water stop. Before I could look behind my back, Techno was already beside me. "What?" I asked. "You interested?" a smirk got discovered from my face as I saw Techno walking towards the stairs.

"Phil said he's going to leave to get stuff from the grocery shop so we Got time." he said like it was a Plan he figured out weeks ago. "Phil wouldn't want us asking Tommy about stories where he caused chaos." just like I said. Like he planned this weeks, months ago and not in a few seconds.

"I Am concerned that you know this like you've been planning this all out for about weeks." I have him a Dead serious look, which he only responded with rolling his eyes.

"Yeah right. We gotta wait for Phil to leave." he said walking up the stairs. "Stay downstairs in case Tommy comes down. Also tell Me when Phil left. I'll be in my room." he was already gone at a corner by the time he ended his sentence.

I walked into the living room, hopped over the couch and spent the next hour not doing anything.


Wilbur snapped his head up, over the couch when he heard someone walking down the stairs. It was Phil! He saw Techno looking at Phil on the second floor, watching it closly when will it Be the onlder man leaves.

"Alright boys, i'll be leaving now!" he shouted so all three of them could hear it. After he got a 'Bye Phil" from Techno and I, he walked out the front door. I kept staring at the front door till I heard a car leaving our front yard. As that happend I jumped over the couch.

Techno was already going down the hallway while I was climbing the stairs. When I finally got to my brother, he opened the door.

"What do you two want now?" the New member of Our family spoke the second the door know moved. "Phil just left and you two come in in the next 1 minute?" Techno finally opened the door. "Were you planning this?" as we Stand silently in the doorway for a half more second Tommy finally gave up. "Come in." we entered the room. Tommy sat up in his bed as I took a seat on Tommy's bed and Techno took a chair to sit on. A small awkward silence later I turned to Techno as he started speaking.

"We wanted to talk to you. To get to know you better." he explained. I looked back at Tommy, waiting for and answer from him.

"Sure. What you wanna know?" he answered then asked. I made eye contact with Techno before I asked.


"We heard you and your friends were trouble makers at the orphanage. Is that true?" Wilbur asked with curiusity in his eyes. Techno took a second of his time to look at Wilbur before turning to the talking Tommy.

"I guess you could say that. We did some this and that during that 8 years together.." Tommy said quiter and quiter as he continued on his sentence. Techno and Wilbur waited to make sure Tommy was done with this question. "You wanna hear some stories?" he asked sounding like he was scared of the answer 'no' but also sounded confident somehow.

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