Chapter 3 - Eavesdropping

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We needed to get Tommy out of here because this was just getting more and more attention every minute. I look at Tommy who was still very confused and was focused on Me and Ranboo. Mr. Bad and Mrs. Puffy started to get the other kids away saying 'Let him breath.'  and 'Let's go back and finish our dinner real quick kids!'. Of course the majority of the kids didn't care and wanted to see with their own eyes if Tommy passes out or has a panic attack. Fking wierdos.

I look at Ranboo one last time and he nods at me. I quickly grabbed Tommy and burst out the door with him. Tommy didn't get what I Am doing so he started shouting questions at me. People stood up as if directly gonna hut Tommy, like push him onto the floor or hit him. They wanted to see all of it.

But I wasn't planning on any of those things and just shut the door open and started to Run the way of the front door. As I looked back I saw Ranboo behind me, a bunch of kids shopping in the door then getting shoved inside the room again by Mr. Bad and Mrs. Puffy. And now also Mr. Skeppy?! They needed literal backup!

As we storm out the front door, we take the last step off the stairs, I stop and grab Tommy by the shoulders.

"Tommy!" I say as Ranboo closed the door getting both of their's attention on me. "Are you okay??" I ask, and not wait a singular second to lets him respond. "What happened?!" asked the next question then Ranboo was the one to answer.

"Tommy you zoned out and didnt respond to anything! Is something wrong?" he asked worried as he walked next to me so he could look in Tommy's eyes too.

Tommy didn't seem he would answer. So I asked. "Is it about you being adopted?" I ask, and as I Got a nod as an answer I sighed. "But have can you not be happy about that?!" I ask again sligtly shaking him by his shoulders. "Aren't you happy you get a normal family??" I didn't understand what was wrong about that. Why he didn't like it. I just didn't get it! As I was about to speak again I was cut off.

"Tubbo.." he started getting both mine and Ranboo's attention instantly. "I don't want to leave you two in this shit Hole all alone! And I don't even know if i'll like my new family!?" Tommy exclaimed as he actually made sense. He made 'sense' as in.. If I had been adopted I also wouldn't like to leave Ranboo and Tommy here. We made Many memories trough out all these years! 7 with Tommy and with Ranboo 11!! 7 and 11 years?! I didn't even notice got much that is till this moment. I look at Tommy looking at Ranboo. He then started to talk again. "I don't know who they are! Or when I am leaving!? Or if I'll be ever Able to see you guys!!" that's also true. We could probably make it but we don't know how strict the parents are. Or meeting someone who's still up for adoption after being adopted is even possible! "I Wanna have a family but you guys are also.." he stayed quiet for a Second. "Also my family.." Tommy said it low but I and Ranboo just barley heard it.

"I'm sure we can still meet up." Ranboo chimed in after a few seconds of silence. "Mr. Bad would probably let us meet." he closed the sentece there even though he had more to add. We both knew that with Tommy and just stared at him till he actually finished it. "The question is Tommy's new parents.." he said, me finally meeting go of Tommy's shoulders and walked a few steps closer to the wall. The two followed me.

"They better do.." I ask as I sit down on the cold Concrete next to the Wall.

"Even if they don't I make them or I just will!" Tommy said joking, sitting down next to me at my left side and Ranboo at my right.

Ranboo sighed. "The thing is that I Can actually imagine you sneaking out in the middle of the Night. No matter where you are." he said as I chuckled a bit and Tommy rolled his eyes smiling.

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