Chapter 5 - New Home

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The trio was suprised by Tommy leaving so soon. They had an idea yesterday would be his last day with them here, but they still didn't want to belive it.

Tommy packed yesterday, Tubbo and Ranboo willingly wanting to help him. While they were packing they made even more laughs and shighs for the fact this is Tommy's last day. They still made trouble though. They couldn't leave out Tommy's last day, now could they?

In the morning Tommy had Absolutely no idea when he ig going to leave. So he just left his suitcase in his room. And just like a normal day, Tubbo and Ranboo was waiting for him by the stairs.

"Look-" Tommy wanted to start joking about being late but Tubbo interuppted him.

"You're actually on time Boss Man." Tubbo looked at Tommy with a smile Ranboo nodding along. Tommy didn't even know when he woke up so how did he get here early? He shrugged it off when the other two, while he was thinking started to Run down the stairs. He followed as fast as he could but somehow Ranboo got the First, Tubbo the second and Tommy the third place. As they were walking to open the cafeteria's doors, while questioning out Ranboo how did he get first place, when they tried opening the door it wouldn't move a bit. After Tommy couldn't open the door Tubbo opened. And no it wasn't stuck, it was actually closed. They were confused why it would be locked, but after a minute or two they just sat down on the nearest couch they could see. As they sat down their talks continued just like any other day.

As they were speaking a familiar face appeared.

"Oh boys! Sorry we had a Little business." he said as he kept the door open for the trio.

The three got up and made their way towards the Man.

"It's alright Mr. Bad!" Ranboo said looking at the man. The one said smiley at him gently. The three then stopped.

"Actually Mr. Bad." Tommy started the converstation. "When am I going to leave?" he changed everyones' vibe. "You didn't say anything about that yesterday." he said with a straight face, looking up, staring into the man's eyes. "I'd just like to know. That's all." he ended. The taller man spoke.

"A Little Bit after dinner. Is that alright with you Tommy?" he asked gently. Tommy didn't answer at First.


I saw Tubbo and Ranboo looking at me Out of the corner of My eye. I'm really going to have to do it.

"Its alright with me Mr. Bad!" I smiled as he returned the gesture.

The breakfast at the cafeteria went smoothly. Nobody came up to us about what happened yesterday with me. Its like they forgot about it all. And I was happy about that cause I really didn't want anyone talking about it and or even coming up to me about it.

Then right after Ranboo took the Last bites of his breakfast Tubbo stood up. He grabbed both, mine and Ranboo's arms. He dragged us right outside of cafeteria. I had know idea what the fck he wanted. So did Ranboo. He kicked the doors open and got everyones' attention on us. As Mr. Bad stood up both me and Ranboo knew Tubbo wanted trouble. We both got our arms out of Tubbo's grip and finally started running by his side and not watching his back.

"So what exectly are we causing?" i asked seeing Tubbo smiling. I turn around when I hear my Name. Mr. Bad was a catch from the begging.

"I'm glad you asked." we Got to the playing Area for the Younger kids in the building. Both me and Ranboo were confused why here. What would Tubbo want to do here to cause trouble?

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