Chapter 8 - Headache

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They walked out the building once again, and because Tommy took a car they needed two drivers. Techno drove the car Tommy has never seen before with Wilbur beside him. Tommy and Phil drove the car Tommy took.

For the First few minutes they drove in complete silence until Phil asked Tommy something.

Tommy was tired and his headache was making him suffer. He couldn't make it out exactly what Phil asked Tommy. Tommy just groaned as an answer. Phil kept asking him questions but Tommy really couldn't care less.

Tommy kept waking up randomly by slightly bigger bumps or jumps from the car. Once Tommy woke up but he couldn't open his eyes yet. He was struggling to open them with no result. He heard multiple people talking. It sounded like three people trying to discuss what to do next. It didn't sound like his 'brothers' or Phil. As Tommy kept struggling he just Gave up.

He tried drifting off to sleep once again but the voices kept him awake. He tried moving but it felt like he was held down. Now Tommy was tense and tried anything to open his eyes. After what felt like an hour he managed to open them and saw Techno shaking him awake. He looked confused.

"Tommy, you okay?" he asked as he let Tommy look around.

He was still in the car but they were at a gas station. He turned to get out of the car but Techno shook him once again, staring at him, waiting for an answer.

After a minute or two Tommy sighed heavily. "Yeah i'm alright I just had a Bad dream I guess." he explained confused as he didn't know what it was exactly. He thought It might have been a sleep paralisys but he wasn't sure. "Can I get out?" he asked when Techno still didn't move an inch.

The Older stepped aside to let the younger out. As soon as Tommy was out he felt relived. The fresh air was good for him after the headache. He had these atleast once a month but it was never so bad. And they would go away as fast as they came.

When he looked around he was suprised he didn't see Phil or Wilbur around. They might have been in the shop but he didn't see them inside either. "Where's Phil and Wilbur?" he asked Techno beside him when he was sure he isn't going to say anything.

"They'll be right here." he said not taking a look at Tommy. "Then we Can keep going." he said but this Time looked over at Tommy to see him putting his Weight onto the car.

Tommy hummed in response and looked over at the shop again. He kept staring at it till the Older man beside him spoke once again.

"Do you want anything?" he was also staring at the shop taking a step forward to go.

The blonde took his time to think about it but his respond was him shaking his head. "Nope. I'm fine." he said to make sure it was clear to the Man. Techno nodded and also leaned over onto the car. They stood in silence for a Little Bit before seeing Phil and Wilbur appear in their view. Tommy had no idea they were back. Not until Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's shoulder to wake him up from his day dream.

"Still tired?" he asked putting on a small smile. Tommy made a 'hm' sound, also putting on an even smaller smile then shoving Wilbur's arm off of his shoulder.

They sat back in the car. Tommy still drove with Phil but the energy didn't feel as uncomfortable as before.


They were back on road for quite some time now but it's coming to an end slowly. Tommy started thinking about how exactly was he Able to drive back to Tubbo and Ranboo. He remembers being really tired the whole drive but he doesn't remember a Second of him watching the road. He thought it was probably from the tiredness.

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