Chapter 7

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I broke down into tears at the note. I felt Brooke's arms engulf my waist and whisper sweet things into my ear.

We went back to the Club house after that. I was still broken from the note, people were also still mourning his death. As we sat in silence, I finally spoke up. "He was the best dad I could ever ask for. That note, it sounded like a suicide note." I choked out. They all looked at me with sypathy. Sophie and Alex came into the room. I immediately stood up and asked if they found it. They shook there heads 'no'. I put my face in my hands and let put an anxious and shaky breath.

Alex took me out of the room to calm my nerves so I don't Carrie the building. He brought me to a hill and we just sat there in silence. "Listen, I know that you lost your mom too and I'm sorry that I've been putting pressure on you." I apologized. He looked at me for a second, before crashing his lips onto mine, I was shocked for a second before I returned the favor. Our lips moving slowly while being locked. Thank god we were sitting down because Alex fell back and closed his eyes, breaking away from our kiss. We sat there for a bit. Our bodies pressed against each other, admiring the sounds of the wind blowing through the grass.

We got up and walked back to the Greenhouse, I felt very calm. We walked back into the clubhouse hand in hand, smiling at each other. I leaned my head on his shoulder and saw the Eagles looking at us weirdly. Alex just told me to ignore them, we left to the locker room and got his stuff.

We went to the gym and I watched him shoot hoops. While I was watching him, he did a backhand shot and landed it directly into the hoop. My father's signature move. The rest of the Eagles came in as well. "Alex, can I try?" I asked. He smiled and threw me the ball. I dribbled it a little bit and faced my back towards the hoop, the I tossed it in. I turned around and the ball landed in perfectly. I looked at Alex and he was amazed, as were the rest of the Eagles. I tossed it back to Alex and he caught it. 

We continued to do shots into the hoops. I taught Alex to flip shot, he screwed up a few times but he got it eventually.

After, we left to go to the canteen. Alex and I shared a milkshake and a  poutine. Alex's sister probably saw us because we heard her calling for her brother. "Alex, who's this?" She asked, a bit confused. I couldn't blame her. "This is Beth, she's-" he said before he was interrupted by me. "Friend! I'm just a friend." He looked at me, confused but also heartbroken. She nodded and left. He looked over at me.

"Friend, seriously? What are you dying or something and you don't want people to know we kissed?" He snapped, before realizing what he said. His eyes widened when he saw me look down. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." He apologized. I looked up at him and smiled, as if accepting his apology. He took my hand in his and kissed it lightly.

We finished the drink and the food and decided to go back to the clubhouse. We walked into the room and made a plan to get revenge on the ravens. My ears perked up when they said revenge and I immediately started naming ideas. They seemed to like all of them but stuck with the on my dad did as a senior prank. I said that we should put the Ross name on one of there notebooks.

Alex went to steal Hayley's louis and I went to go get my dad's prank book which he left in to me in his will. I got everything from my dad. The plan set into action, all the equipment was set up, we just needed to do the prank. We got to the Raven's clubhouse and messed up the walls with spray paint and everything. I had Alex get everyone to look the other way so that I could set a metal bowl with fire. I did that and blew it out. The fire alarm in their room would go off ten minutes after they wake up.

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