Chapter 13

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I picked up my head to see that we were in the clubhouse. I jumped down from his arms and went to sit on the couch, the FBI found the fire circle. It was in the shape of a witches symbol. I looked over to Alex, he was coming over to see me. "I can't believe that I Carrie'd the field." I said, disappointed in myself. He brought me closer to him and rubbed my back while I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I got up and went to take a shower, try to wash all the blood out of my hair and off of my body. A lot of it did, but I was sure that I would have to die my hair again. So that's what I did. I did the same colors as before and it turned out nicely. I walked out of the shower, with my dad's Linkin Park t-shirt and a pair of yellow sweatpants.

I saw Alex looking at me, he had a smile on his face. I walked over to him and cuddled up on his lap. "Do we have to go to the dance tomorrow?" I asked him. "We don't have to, we can just cuddle in your bed if you want." He told me, playing with my wet hair. "That would be nice." I replied with a smile.

The next day everyone was getting ready for the dance, Alex was gonna go for a little and then come into my room and cuddle with me. I saw him walk in with Brooke, they were laughing together. I was happy knowing that he wouldn't cheat on me, especially if it was Brooke. Daniel walked over to them and started to snap at them. Alex left awkwardly and went over to Sophie instead of me, which was really weird. They were talking and then I heard her say "see you tonight!" Which might have just been a joke.

I went to fix my hair, it was a mess. When Parker came over to me. "Hey Parker, what's up?" I asked with a smile. "Alex is going to the dance with Sophie, she told me herself." He told me with a frown. I looked over and saw Alex waiting for someone.

I pushed Parker out of the way and angrily marched over to my cheating boyfriend who was talking to Brooke. He saw me, and before I could say anything, I harshly slapped him across the face. Everyone was looking at us. "Seriously, Sophie?! What happened to 'I would never cheat on you!" I yelled at him, pushing him back. "Beth listen. I'm sorry." He told me. "Yeah, sorry doesn't cut it." I snapped. "Oh and if you haven't already noticed, we're over." Then, I left without another word.
Brooke followed me out of the room. "Are you okay?" She asked. "No, that was a hard thing to do." I sighed, hugging her.  I walked back into the room with her and saw my dad. "Brooke, your seeing this right?" I asked her. "Yep, I am." She replied, with a confused tone. "Dad?" I said, shaking. He turned looked at me and said. "Yeah, it's your dad." I had tears in my eyes. I ran up to him and hugged him tighter than I've hugged anybody.

Brooke cleared her throat, catching our attention. My dad and I looked at her. "Hi Brooke." Dad said with a smile. She returned it and hugged him. I pulled out my louis and took a picture of my dad's face. I converted it to three years ago. It was so different.

A two days later, after my dad and I caught up and made his favourite dish. We went to the clubhouse and saw Brooke on the couch with Daniel. I looked at them happily and saw Sophie talking to them.

I walked over to Alex, wanting to talk to him about our relationship. "Hey.." I started. He looked at me, smiling. "So, listen. I think that we both should talk about our relationship." He told me. I just grabbed his face and kisses him. I felt him smile into the secluded kiss, probably happy.

I pulled away a few seconds after, needing air. "Dad, this is my boyfriend Alex. Alex, this is my dad!" I introduced. My dad smiled and shook his hand. "You seem sweet, I'm happy she has someone like you." He said. Alex looked at me, smiling. "Anyways, dad. We gotta go, I'll see you later." I told him in a hurry to leave. Then we bolted out the door.

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