Chapter 17

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I wake up next to Alex, he was wide awake. "Alex did you get any sleep at all last night?" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head. "I couldn't after yesterday, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He told me. "Alex, sleep. I love you and I'm not going anywhere, okay?" I said, with a concerned tone. He smiled and nodded. I sat up, covered is sweat.

I got up to go to the bathroom, I definitely needed a shower after yesterday. Before I took a shower I cut my hair with layers, the length shorter than before. I dyed my hair red and orange, after I washed it out it looked like a faded red. I got changed into a purple Eagles shirt and a plaid yellow, green and white skirt.

I went to the Eagles clubhouse, wanting to see what was going on. They were all studying, I took out a book and started reading it. "So, you need help studying?" Daniel asked me. "We saw what happened and decided to study with you." Parker finished for him. I smiled and nodded.

They plopped down next to me and opened their text books, I smiled at the two boys before looking back down at my book. We studied for a little bit, until a book was thrown at the wall. I looked at the book and it began to levitate. Everyone looked at me, I was worried that this was the ability that the demon gave me.

After, we continued to study. Brooke came up to us. "Hey guys, can I study with you?" She asked. I had developed a crush on her, so when I looked up at her and saw her pretty face I wanted to die. "Yeah, sure. I was actually gonna go, excuse me." I said, I started crying when I said 'excuse me'. "Beth wait!" I heard Sophie call out. I threw open the door and slammed it on the way out.

I ran down the hall, when I saw my dad talking to Alex. I ran up to them, flinging myself onto my dad, sobbing on his shoulder. "Honey, are you okay?" He asked, extremely concerned. I shook my head violently, knowing that he wouldn't except me for my sexuality. "Alex, can you give us a minute?" I asked my boyfriend, looking at him. He just nodded and left. "Dad, I hate this. I can't keep doing this. I just want to die!" I yelled, collapsing on the ground. I saw the Eagles, Brooke rushed over to me, she tried to hug me. "Get the hell off of me!" I snapped, then she got thrown into Daniel.

I stood up and ran away, not realizing my dad, Alex, Sophie, Daniel and Brooke following me. I ran to an abandoned bomb shed, I locked the door and saw the amount of equipment  in there.

I screamed and released all my energy, grenades shot, bombs crashed into each other, open gasoline bottles falling and spilling, fire catching on all of the objects. The fire created a huge explosion, with me inside. 

I walked out of the explosion, my body intact. I ran over to Alex, wrapping my arms around him. He hugged back, kissing my head. "So, Brooke was the problem, the demon gave you telekinesis and you just Carrie'd a shed." My dad concluded, smiling at the last sentence.

I nodded while looking at him. "I'm not letting you out of my sight for the rest of the day, I hope you know that." Alex told me, scared that I would try to split me and the demon. "I know... and I'm fine with that." I replied with a chuckle.

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