Chapter 2 - New Friends and Broken Microwaves

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Robyn's POV


"We're here," my brother called.

"You don't have to shout I'm right here you know," I respond trying to get the ringing out of ears.

"Sorry but sometimes you can be deaf,"

"It's hard when your always mumbling,"

I said rolling my eyes.Sometimes I don't know how we're related let alone twins "Anyway I've got to get to my dorm so i'll see you at orientation."

I gave him a hug before entering the building.I got out the map I had been given.It was easy to find out where I was going I've always been good with maps. As I was walking down the East Corridor I bumped into something hard and fell to the ground. I looked up to find a two guys.One of them looked more worried then the other I figured he must have been the one I bumped into.Ye was pretty good looking.with his navy blue hair and piercing stormy eyes(not that I was staring at him or anything). He was wearing a cobalt blue t-shirt a denim jacket and dark blue jeans to match.The other guy had ginger hair and olive green eyes.He was wearing a grey t-shirt with black jeans and a black jacket. I swear I saw a 5 chocolate bars poking out of the jacket. Maybe it was my imagination. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the blue haired one spoke up.

"I'm so sorry Here take my hand,"

I picked up my bag and map and took his hand and he pulled

med up. We were inches away from each other. I shyly took a step back.

"It's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" I said. I smiled gently.

"No it's fine, hey I haven't seen you around, are you new?" He asked

"Yeah I just got here, my names Robyn," I smiled and held out my hand. He shook it I noticed the handshake lasted just few seconds longer than a usual one. Weird.

"Nice to meet you,Robyn I'm Chrom and this here sugar addict is Gaius. Gaius looked up front his phone and nodded before saying Hey he quickly went back to his game of Candy Crush.

"Well I've got to go I'll see you at the activities fair, Bye" I said before walking down the corridor to my dorm.

Chrom's POV

I turned around to see Robyn walking away her dark raven hair swaying around her as she walked.It was mesmerizing.I was snapped out of my trance by Gaius.

"Your gonna creep her out if you keep staring at her," said Gaius he had once again removed himself from his game.

"Who said I was staring,"I replied

"Well we'll see her at the activities fair so you can finishes oogling her then.

"What I wasn't oogling her,"

"Yeah Yeah," He said as he once again returned to his game of Candy Crush.I'm pretty sure he'd marry that game if he could.

Robyn's POV

I finally reached my dorm I got my key out of my bag. I opened the door to find girl with pink hair in a long flowing ponytail which was tied back by a gold.She was wearing a flowing pastel pink top headband with white lacy shorts and gold ballet flats.

"You must be the new roommate," She said shyly,"Your bags just arrived I put them in your room.

"Thanks I'm Robyn by the way" I said as I set down my key in a bowl the table.

"I'm Olivia." Just as Olivia finished a tall girl,with short fiery red hair came storming in complaining about how the microwave was faulty.She was wearing a black leather jacket which was draped over a red red tank top with black leggings and red trainers. She had noticed Olivia and myself looking at her with questioning looks.

"Oh it looks as if we've got a new roommate" The red haired girl said as she peered down at me.

"Oh yeah this is Robyn she's new like us," Olivia replied.

"Hi I'm Sully,"

Hi Oh and what were you saying about the microwave

Yeah it's broken you try and make one dish and the thing explodes

Sully your here for five minutes and you've broken a microwave Olivia scolded

"It's not my fault I can't cook," Sully respond picking bits of charred food of her top.

"I'll do the cooking if you promise to not touch a microwave again," I chimed in, "I'd rather cook than have the dorms burnt down."

Sully smiled and slapped me on the back.

"I like her already."

We all laughed. Then someone knocked on the door it was a girl,with blond pigtails wearing a lacy yellow dress with a brown cardigan.

"Hey all the girls on our floor are meeting in the kitchen to get to know each other your welcome to join," She smiled and bounded of down the hall. "Well shall we," Sully asked

"We shall,"I said as we walked out of the door."Shit," I said as I ran back in."Forgot my keys," Sully and Olivia just laughed.

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