Chapter 1 - Leaving The Nest

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Robin's POV


"Sis get down here," I yelled from the front porch. Me and my younger sister (by 14 min utes to be precise) are of to college we moved to Ylisse  ha few months ago.  My mom was in the kitchen in foods of tears whilst my dad was giving me a 5 hour lecture on the do's and don'ts of college.

"Don't stay up to late, study hard,don't drink too much and look after your sister you know how she can be," I was about to get in the car when he grabbed my arm, "and remember ,have fun." I smiled as he pulled me in to a hug."Thanks Dad" I said. At this time Mom came out with trailing behind her. "What took you so long," I asked. "Sleeping Beauty here spent all night studying and overslept then spent half an hour choosing an outfit.

Robyn scratched her cheek nervously "hehe sorry" she mumbled," but on the brightside I got nice outfit in the end(check picture at beginning)." I scanned Robyn up and down(in an uncreepy way) she was wearing a black top with a purple bolero, matching purple jeans her hands were adorned with bracelets which drew attention to the matching tattoo's we'd got on our 18th birthday to complete the look she wore her key necklace that Mom had given her. After I had finished observing her outfit I simply said

"I don't see what's so special about it." Robyn pouted "see, this is why no one likes you" she retorted.

"Many people like me,"I respond sending her a glare.

"The dog doesn't count" she said while rolling her eyes sometimes I don't know how I survived eighteen years with her.

"I wasn't talking about Scout"I said as I put on my purple and black hoodie and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

"Stop bickering you two," Validar(Dad) growled. "Sorry Dad" Robyn mumbled as she walked over to hug him goodbye. "I'll miss you honey be a good girl and that means no boys," said Validar

"Daddy I'm not a child anymore"you frowned anew crossed your arms over your chest.

"And yet you still call him Daddy," I said under my breath.Robyn didn't seem to hear.

"Fine,"Dad said,"but if you come back for thanksgiving pregnant I will disown you."

"Good one Dad" Robyn said. Validar's face didn't change in expression."You are kidding right."Robyn looked slightly worried.Mom intersected "Okay well you two better start going or you'll miss orientation." We all hugged for the last time  before I got in the car with my sister in the passenger seat. "You ready to go," I ask looking over to Robyn."As ready as  I'll ever be. I put my keys in the ignition and gave one more wave to my parents.I drove down the street Robyn was already studying away. Man, sometimes I forget how hard she works to achieve the best I always see the childish side of her. " Why do you keep staring at me, " Robyn asks as she tears her eyes away from her textbook."Just thinking," I said

"About what," she asked curiously.

"About Scout," I responded with a smirk

"You're mean Rob,"huffed Robyn.

"I love you,"I said.There was a brief moment of silence between me and her until Robyn whispered

"I love you to onii chan."

A/N: I'm sorry none of the shepherds were involved the'll be in the next chapter I promise.

Well So Long Suckers


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