Back to square 1...again

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Being a nurse, while simultaneously being as stubborn and bold as I am, brings nothing but annoyance and confusion. I hated nursing while I was doing it--no matter how much i got used to the job there was always an internal dread. And that's because acute care nursing isn't for me. 

But breaking out into something completely different isn't always easy and it leads me back to the drawing board. What exactly do I want to do with my life?

I strongly suspect my next move is travel nursing. I'm already in contact with a company to help me out in the process. I have a good amount of experience at a reputable hospital. Plus it might be fun! I get to explore the country WHILE making money. What other job allows you to do that?

I get really anxious staying in one place. I really cannot do it. I remember being in college and thinking the same thing even then. Things get stale and there's only so many times you can experience the same thing without feeling...bored. How people live in one town their entire lives is beyond me. At 25, I've had so many different addresses I don't think I could remember them all at this point.  

I actually started this Wattpad when I was in a similar stage of life about 3 years ago: I had just quit my first big girl job and was freaking out about my future. Did anything change from then bc I'm literally feeling the same way now?

And that's why I'm thinking nursing isn't for me. Other people seem to be content with what they're doing. It doesn't bother them to be doing the same work for years. Meanwhile I've had so many different jobs it's not even funny (a lot were within the same hospital, but still). How do they do it?

People tell me I'm bold for quitting my job. It was a great job--one that many people would vie for. But in the end, I couldn't do it forever. But here I am, once again, at my parents' house deciding my next move. Feeling like a bum again. 

I hope everything works out for me. I'm scared. I'm excited. I want to see where life takes me, but I also want a job. Is that too much to ask for? I hope I figure this out one day bc I cannot do this every couple of years. 


Annie 💜

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