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♡ Stede x Edward

♡ just friends

♡ fluff

♡ not suggested

♡ TW: swords, mention of trauma, blood, butchering description(?),

♡ enjoy!

Stede and Edward were out on the deck. It had become a routine to go out there when everyone was asleep. What did they do? Well, they usually talked and exchanged stories. Sometimes Stede would try to teach Ed to read. But tonight, it was special. For Ed had suggested to try and help Stede with fighting.

"I think you'd be good at it, I mean you don't have to be the best. You don't even have to be like me! I think it would just be nice for you to have basic training." Edward had explained to Stede since he seemed very against the idea.

"I just don't think fighting is for me, you know how I am." Stede had protested. He really didn't want to fight. He also didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Ed.

"Look, it would just make me feel better. Because during raids you hide but what if someone finds you? I don't want you getting hurt." He admitted very shyly. Yes, Ed does have a crush on Stede. But he couldn't tell him. He could never, he didn't want to risk losing their friendship.

After a few moments of Stede debating the options and Ed dying from impatience. "Fine, I'll do some training. Just to make you feel better." Stede was very against the idea but he really wanted Ed to feel better. So he obliged just to make Ed happy.


Edward stood in front of Stede. He was trying to show him how to properly hold a sword. "You have to hold it this way its- no, not like that" Edward was trying to explain. But of course, it wasn't working very well. Does Stede know how to hold a sword? Yes, he does. But he doesn't want to actually practice fighting, especially against Edward.

"Let me just-" Edward walked over next to Stede. He took the sword from him and moved Stede's arm. He put the sword lightly in his hand. Edward was very concentrated while moving Stede's fingers. Stede however, was staring deeply at Edward.

He loved the concentrated look on Edwards face. Edward looked up at him and smiled, which made stede blush profusely. After a few seconds with them just staring at each other Edward backed away. "S-so um keep a firm grip on the handle. The sword is a little heavy." He said and took his hand off the blade.

The sword fell out of stedes hand because he wasn't paying attention. What was distracting him? Edward was. Just Edward in his purple crop top and black pants, and how he was standing like that. Stede loved it, and he couldn't look away. So, the sword dropped when Edward took his hand away.

Stede snapped out of his trance and shook his head. "I, I don't even know what happened! I was just sidetracked and-" he gave up trying to explain. "I'm sorry" he stood with the sword loosely in his hand. Edward walked up to him.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked as he cupped Stede's cheek with his hand.

"Because I, I don't want to learn more about sword fighting." He admitted shamefully.

"Why? It'll keep you safe even though I won't let you get hurt." Edward said.

"Because-" tears weld up in his eyes. "Because it scares me- holding a sword I mean. My father wasn't.. Well he wasn't the best guy." Stede answered shamefully.

Edward was in disbelief, he didn't think that his father was so bad. "Stede, I didn't know I'm sorry. What did he do?" Edward stupidly asked.

"I don't really like to talk about it, but I guess I'll tell you. He would threaten to.. Hurt me. That's a kind way to put it. And he would slaughter animals in front of me, making sure blood got on my face so I could understand the work."

Edwards face showed sadness and sympathy, but he was actually feeling anger and sympathy. Thats a horrible thing to do to a person. Edward now felt bad trying to get stede to practice even though it hurt him. "If you really didn't want to, you could've told me. I would've understanded. Really I would. My father also wasn't the best I'll tell you that later when you're comfortable. But let's head inside."

Stede hugged him, not many people understood or wanted to help him. So when Edward put his hand on his back to lead him inside, he felt loved. He felt cared about. They sat on the small couches that were to the side of the room. Stede was leaning against Edward as a few tears rolled down his face.

"Thank you" Stede chocked out. This made Edward smile. "Anytime" he responded. Soon they both fell asleep huddled against each other.

♡ 829 words

♡ sorry for a dark chapter, idk if fluff is the right category-

♡ I'm already starting another chapter because a fan art gave me an idea 🤚

♡ thank you for reading!

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