-Chapter II-

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     "Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!"

     "All right. The rules are simple Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle...you try to last more than five seconds." Gally explained to the boy as they walked slowly in a circle across from each other.

     "Take it easy on the Greenie, Gally!" A boy shouted to which everyone else let out laughs.

     "Ready?" Gally asked the boy but before he could respond, he was pushed into a group of boys who pushed him back towards Gally.

     Gally got ahold of his back before shoving him to the ground, the boys face hitting the sand a little getting in his mouth causing a cough to leave his lips.

     Evelyn watched in annoyance, having seen it many times before where Gally made boys look a fool so he could look like the big strong guy for people to fear.

     "Come on Greenie." Gally started, jumping a couple times as to warm himself up. "We're not done yet."

     "Stop calling me Greenie." The boy said standing up and straightened his shirt.

     "Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?" Gally joked, the rest of the boys erupting into fits of laughter.

     "Very clever." Evelyn commented sarcastically to Minho who nodded with a snicker.

     "What do you think boys? Does he look like a shank?" Gally asked the crowd only fueling the boys anger as he charged at Gally.

     "Woah!" The group shouted as they had a couple moments of wrestling but the boy ended up on the ground again.

     Evelyn let out a sigh, really rooting for him to win so maybe Gally's ego would be turned down a couple notches.

     "You know what? I think I've settled on shank." Gally taunted as the boy again stood up, his jaw clenched and hands balled up in fists.

     The Greenie ran at him again, his arms going around Gally's waist as he tried to get him to the ground.

     Evelyn was on the edge of her invisible seat as she watched them fight it out, Gally for the first time looking like he was struggling.

     As Gally backed the boy up, he quickly hit him in the back sending Gally to the ground.

     "There you go Greenie!" The crowd cheered at the small victory, the boy looking around proud.

     "Not bad for a Greenie huh?" He said but was quickly cut off as Gally swept his legs out from under him with his own, his head hitting the ground.

      Evelyn grimaced at the sight and of the sound his head made when it collided with the ground. She started her way over to see if he was okay when a look of realization crossed his features.

     "Thomas." He muttered still on the ground as Evelyn looked at him confused not hearing what he said.

     "Thomas. Hey!" He said standing up. "I remember my name. I'm Thomas!"

     It was silent for a moment before everyone cheered and hollered, Alby stepping towards Thomas with his hand pointed at him.

     "Thomas!" Alby cheered along with the rest of the boys who surrounded him.

     All the boys crowded around, Evelyn backing up as her head started to hurt. She knew that name but she couldn't remember where from and it made her mad. She repeated his name to herself trying to rack her brain of the any memory but nothing came to mind. She walked to her hammock, grabbed the thin blanket that laid there before walking off towards the woods.

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