-Chapter VI-

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Evelyn received many, almost scared looks from all the boys as the unconscious girl had said her name. She couldn't care less about the way everyone looked at her as she was confused herself. She wanted answers.

"Hey, what's going on?" Newt asked Evelyn and Jeff who were watching the girl who laid on the cot in the med hut. "What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?"

"Hey man, I got my job the same way you did." Jeff replied in defense.

"Do you recognize her?" Newt asked tapping Evelyn's shoulder as she was crouched beside the girl in thought.

"I don't know." She said, her eyes drifting to her finger.

"Really? Because she seemed to recognize you." Newt stated crossing his arms.

"I realize that Newt. It's like you forgot my memory was erased." She quipped her annoyance growing.

"What about the note?" Thomas questioned, his eyes trailing from the girl to Newt.

Newt looked around the hut before replying. "We'll worry about the note later."

"I think you should worry about it now."

"We've got enough to deal with at the moment."

"He's right Newt." Jeff said quietly, worry clear in his tone. "If the box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"

"No one said that. Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll just wait till she wakes up and see what she knows." He said as Evelyn shook her head. "Somebody has gotta have some answers around here."

Thomas rubbed his chin in thought, trying to figure out something to occupy his time as they wait. He got an idea and without a word he started out of the hut.

"Where you going?" Newt asked.

Not stopping, Thomas replied. "Back into the maze." At that Evelyn's eyes went wide as she turned around to find Thomas was already outside. She stood up ready to follow him but Minho beat her to it and ran after the boy.

Again, Evelyn turned and looked upon the girl. She knows she knew her from somewhere but she couldn't remember and every time she has something like this happen, she gets upset.

She gets some sort of memory and then it starts to slip. One of the only ones she can remember even vaguely was of a young boy who sat with her on a train, and that's it.

Newt noticed this as he stepped forward placing a hand on her shoulder as she sighed dramatically. "I don't know Newt."

"I wasn't gonna ask again." He defended with a small smile.

"Good. I might have hit you." She said glancing up at him as he chuckled. "There's this marking on my finger. It's a flower."

Evelyn lifted her hand to show Newt, he nodded and gestured for her to continue. "I don't remember a lot but I remember this. I remember getting it. Not when or who with I just remember getting it. Vaguely I can see myself drawing it onto my finger. She has the same one." She finished, Newts brows knitting together as his eyes drifted to the girls hand.

"That's odd." He stated looking back to Evelyn.

"Yeah. And my head hurts way too much now because I keep thinking about how I know her and nothing comes up." She ran her hand down her face and let out an agitated groan.

"Well maybe since you remember getting it, you'll also remember everything else about it eventually. And maybe she knows something too." Newt said reassuringly patting her back and sending her a tight lipped grin.

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