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The only thing that she could comprehend was the endless feeling of drowning.

The soreness in her chest caused her to believe her body was no longer functioning. That she had died.

Until her eyes shot open in a flash, her chest heaving as she gasped for the much needed air. With cough after cough she let all the water taking over her system out onto the floor. She couldn't see anything or hear any sound besides her quick breaths that filled the likely small space.

She didn't know where she was, what was happening, who or what put her here. She couldn't even think of something as simple as her name.

Her hands frantically felt around the floor beneath her just to try and get an idea of the situation. Metal. It was most definitely metal, from the sound her nails made against it to the hard as a rock consistency.

Before she could even stand, the room, or rather a crate she resided in started to move upward at a swift pace. Flashes of blue lights crossed her vision from the side as she crawled back against the wall. Her heart beat grew fast and her head ached at the flashing light as she looked up to find the ceiling nearing her. Eyes going wide, she grabbed ahold of a box near her to brace herself for the impact. But it slowed as she approached, the whole crate being filled with a red hue.

She glanced around, finally being able to get a look at her surroundings. The letters, 'WCKD' were printed across a cylinder tube across from her. She furrowed her brows in thought trying to think of where she might've seen it before but nothing came to mind.

A short moment later a loud siren like sound blared causing her to jump at the noise, the once red light turned green. But as soon as it came, it vanished leaving her in the dark again. Her breathing was erratic and she felt dizzy from the fast journey to wherever she may be.

Her head snapped up as the doors above her suddenly started to open revealing the bright sun. She covered her eyes with her arm that she lifted as soon as the doors started to move.

Once both the doors were fully open and she could adjust to the light, she removed her hand slowly to find about a dozen human figures staring down at her.

She looked around slightly frightened at every single one of them, not one being another girl. They all stood around in shock as they shared whispers and thoughts of her.

The girl carefully stood up keeping a hand to the side of the crate as to not fall from her dizzy state. She rubbed her eyes and relieved herself of the nauseating feeling she had since she woke up.

The crate shook a little at the sudden weight of another person jumping into it. She looked up to be met with a boy who was definitely taller then her, jet black hair and narrowed eyes. He raised his hands in a calmly manner to which she looked at him confused.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you." He assured as he stepped closer, the girl not making any sort of move to get away from him.

"You haven't given me reason to think that yet." She replied quietly her voice still hoarse from the overly large amount of water previously in her system.

He snickered and shook his head, his face still puzzled. "I'm Minho." He introduced with a smirk. He seemed to be quite the jokester to her.

She nodded in reply, a short silence falling between the two before Minho climbed up and out of the crate.

The girl tilted her head at him as she stepped forward. He turned around, only a couple other boys beside him now as the rest had wondered off. "Come on, let's get you out of there."

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