-Chapter VIII-

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An hour had past and Evelyn was curled up in a ball sleeping as Thomas sat beside her not able to do the same. He shot up in an instant as a light approached the pit.

"Who's there?" He asked, the lantern getting closer to reveal Chuck being the one to carry it.

"It's just me." He said calmly, Thomas letting out a breath of relief glancing back at Evelyn who was still sound asleep before turning back to Chuck.

"Sorry Chuck." He said.

He nodded before passing him a pack of food and some water. "You'll run better on a full stomach."

Thomas took it from his hand and opened it immediately taking the bread that was inside and shoving it in his mouth. "Mm...thanks Chuck."

The boy chuckled as Thomas continued to eat. He pulled out a little wooden figurine and fiddled with it in his hands making Thomas aware of the object.

"Hey, what do you got there?" He asked with a mouth half full of food. Chuck held it up so he could see it better, a grin coming to Thomas's face at the sight. "Wow, that came out pretty damn good. What's that for?"

Chuck looked saddened at the question but answered anyway feeling as though Thomas would be a good person to confide in. "It's for my parents."

"You remember your parents?" Thomas asked surprised, setting aside the other half of food for Evelyn if she woke up.

"No." Chuck sighed. "I mean, I know I must've had them. And wherever they are I'm sure they miss me...but I can't miss them because I don't remember them."

There was a couple moments of a comforting silence before Chuck spoke again. "What do think you're going to find out there tomorrow?"

"Uh...I don't know." He paused a moment to see slight disappointment cross the boys face. "But if there's a way out Chuck, me and Minho are gonna find it."

He sent Thomas a small smile before reaching his arm into the cell. "Here."

He dropped the wooden figure in Thomas's hand, the boy holding it up as his brows slanted. "Chuck, why would you give this to me?"

"I can't remember them anyway. But maybe if you find a way out, you can give it to them for me." He stated, eyes getting a little glossy at the thought. "I'll let you get some sleep."

Thomas shook his head as the boy stood and started to walk away. "Hey, Chuck. Come here."

Chuck looked at him curiously as he knelt down again. "Put out your hand." Thomas said, the boy doing just that.

"I want you to give that to them yourself. We're gonna get out of here." Thomas said holding the figurine in between their hands. "All of us. Okay? I promise."

"All right." Chuck nodded feeling encouraged at his words. "Good night."

"Good night buddy."

Thomas smiled to himself as he laid down and closed his eyes in hopes he'd get some sleep.

He had just about drifted off as he felt a light weight land on his chest. He opened his eyes that were adjusted to the dark, his heart beat picking up a little as he found Evelyn's hand placed in the middle of his chest.

His eyes trailed up her arm and landed on her peaceful face, a subconscious smile taking over his features. Though maybe he shouldn't, he decided to wrap his hand around hers, the softness of her skin making him melt. And then, his stomach clenched even tighter as she seemed to of moved a couple inches in her sleep now with her head on his chest and her hand still interlocked with his.

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