-Chapter XI-

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Having your eyes be adjusted to the dark makes a sudden bright white light even worse. The group raised their hands above their eyes as a door opened from the end of the small room they were in, Chuck and Teresa the first to step out being the closest.

Evelyn stayed close to the wall using it as a crutch, blood still coming from her thigh as she limped out of the room with everyone else.

As she stepped out into a tunnel, all the lights above started to turn on leading an endless strip of a white hue down the tunnel.

Thomas took a look around to see how everyone was doing only now noticing the state Evelyn was in. He furrowed his brows and walked over to her as she closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths to maybe ease some pain being that the adrenaline was starting to ware off.

"You okay?" He asked her quietly as everyone else was scanning the room, the girl nodding with pursed lips. Thomas grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his shoulder to help her out a little, Evelyn not protesting because she was genuinely starting to lose feeling in her leg.

Minho and Newt started to walk down the tunnel with everyone, Thomas and Evelyn a little behind. They stopped at a door with a sign hung above that read 'exit'.

"Seriously?" Frypan asked no one in particular as he looked up at it oddly.

Thomas walked to the front with Evelyn at his side, her now only holding onto his shoulder and doing her best to walk on her own.

He opened the door slowly to find multiple people lying on the floor, some in pools of their own blood and others surrounded with broken glass and guns.

Evelyn noticed Chucks eyes lingering on a man sat up against the wall with blood splattered all around him. She hobbled over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't look."

They continued on slowly, Chuck letting her use his shoulder as support and in return the girl making sure he kept his eyes forward after staying on a dead body for too long.

"What happened here?" Minho asked moving a gun away from a persons hand with his foot.

They all dispersed around the room that again had dead bodies, broken glass, shattered computer monitors, and an over all frightening look.

With Chuck as her crutch, Evelyn walked up to a desk that was placed around the center stage if you will, looking at it oddly feeling as though she remembered it.

Her gaze lifted up to see Thomas on the opposite side having the same look across his features. He felt her stare lifting his head to meet her eyes. Just like in his dream.

"So they were watching us. This whole time." Newt said looking at a glitchy monitor that showed the glade across it.

Thomas let his eyes fall from Evelyn and down to a blinking red button on the console in front of him. Without really thinking what it could possibly be, he pressed it.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Ava Paige." The voice of a woman said causing everyone to whip their heads in the direction of the screen that popped up.

"I'm director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you're watching this that means you have successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you...but circumstances seem to have prevented it." Evelyn watched the screen blankly and listened to the very familiar voice of the lady.

"I'm sure by now you must all be very confused, angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you...everything we've done to you...it was all done for a reason." Evelyn let out an audible scoff as she watched the screen now quite upset.

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