Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Well I know its been a while and everyone has been waiting for an update. I've been super busy and I feel terrible for not being able to edit or update Abused. I know how much people love this story and I can't believe how popular it is. 

Lifes been crazy with school and college apps and all that other stuff but I finally was able to get an update for ya'll. I made it kind of long and I think ya'll might like it but at the same time be like wtf? I felt like I needed an interesting twist for the story. Something that nobody would've seen coming so here it is! Let me know what ya'll think! 


I woke up with a sharp sting in my abdomen. I had forgotten where I was but I could remember the dream I just had vividly. My brother was alive. He wasn’t dead. Although we all thought he was. I was beyond confused and had no idea what was going on. Was he really alive? Did I die for a second? Was it just a dream?

I tried to sit up but when I did a sharp pain coursed through my entire body and I couldn’t help but let out a loud cry of pain. I held my throbbing side and cried. It hurt to bad to move. What the hell had happened to me? As I was sitting there holding my side the memories started to flood back to me.

My mother was out of jail and she had kidnapped me right before my date with Asher. I woke up on the cold ground and the next thing I knew a sharp metal object pierced my skin. My mother had stabbed me. She was trying to kill me. I killed my brother now this was her payback. I’m going to die.

I’m too young to die. Granted my brother died when he was ten but that was a terrible accident. Nobody was planning on killing him. My mother was planning on killing me. This was actually going to happen. She won’t ever be satisfied unless I’m dead. I don’t understand how a person can be this mentally unstable.

There’s so much I still want to do with my life. I wanted to go off to Harvard Law and become a lawyer to help people out. I wanted people to marry the man that I love and settle down in a nice suburban area. I wanted a two story house with a white picket fence going around the backyard. I wanted a pool and two dogs as well as two kids. One boy and one girl, they’d be so happy. Now that my mother has a vendetta against me that won’t ever happen. I won’t get my happy ending.

As I was thinking about all the things that I would never have, I started to realize where I was. I wasn’t in that abandoned building laying on the cold wet ground anymore. Instead I was in a bedroom, lying on a very soft bed. Wait a second; was the dream that I had real?

I heard a shuffling sound coming from beside the bed. It was dim lighting but I could make out the shape of a figure. I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman. I decided to reach out and touch the person sitting there. My heart started pounding and my palms were sweating. What if it was my mother and by waking her she decides to kill me? I swallowed the lump in my throat as my hand touched the person.

The person woke up with a grunt, defiantly a guy. As soon as the guy had adjusted his eyes to the dim light a smile spread across his face. I still couldn’t see what he looked like which scared me.

“Good you’re awake!” the guy exclaimed.

“Who are you?” I asked with a worried expression on my face. I was scared that his answer would be something along the lines of ‘Oh I’m the man your mother hired to murder you.’

“You don’t remember?” he asked

“Should I?” this conversation was going absolutely nowhere.

“Ken, it’s me, your brother.” With those last two words my heart literally skipped a beat. I was frightened and happy and confused all at the same time.

How could he be alive if I saw his body, if I held his mangled body? Am I already dead? Before I knew it the tears were falling from my face. I had too many emotions running through my body. Anger was one of them. If he was alive then where the hell was he all these years?

“How?” was the only word that I was able to get out.

He cleared his throat before he spoke, “When I got in the water to go for a swim and you ran inside to get us drinks, a boat came by. The people in the boat stopped when they saw me on the buoy. They asked me what I was doing out there all by myself and I said I wasn’t my sister will be right back. They didn’t believe me.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “They grabbed me. I killed and screamed but it was no use, they covered my mouth with a rag. And before I knew it I was passed out. The mangled body you found in the water was another child. I’m guessing it was theirs but I don’t know.”

Once he stopped I let it all sink in. My brother was kidnapped and the people made it look like a murder. Why the hell did he never run away? Why didn’t he try to get in contact with us? I got beat for mo reason!

“Why did you never call or try to run away?” Tears had started to fall down my face.

“I did call but every time mom thought it was a prank by the neighbors or something like that and if I tried to run away they would’ve killed me. When I was 18 I was finally allowed to go free. They treated me like they’re own child and I was happy but I knew they weren’t my real family. I knew that as soon as I turned 18 I needed to find you guys.”  He sounded like he was about to start crying. “I guess mom changed the phone number and I couldn’t remember where the house was and then I saw the trial on television and I tracked you and dad down but by that time I was too late. Mom had kidnapped you and started driving away, so I followed her.”

“I wanna murder the people who took you from me.” I cried out before throwing my arms around him. For a moment I forgot about the pain in my abdomen. I was happy that my brother was alive but I was upset that we thought he was dead this entire time. I was mad that he was taken away from our family and that I grew up without my brother.

Now my brothers’ back, life can go back to normal. Will it go back to normal? What’s going to happen when my dad finds out? What about my mother? Shit. 

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