Chapter Thirty- Six

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well here's another update! sorry that its so short but then again the shorter they are the longer the story will be. However I have been writing these right before my classes, that is why they're so short. Its the only time that I have to write at the moment. Let me know what you guys think. 

Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes. 


The sight in front of me made me scream. There she was, my mother, standing right in front of us with a gun pointed to Asher’s head. How the hell did she get a hold of Asher? How did she even know about him?

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? I shouted at her.

She looked at me with a smirk on her face. She was planning something so evil.

“I saw him walking outside of the house about a week ago. He looked angry and upset. I knew that could only mean one thing, you cared about him and like you do with everyone you pushed him away.” She said grinning as if she had everything figured out.

“Are you stupid?” I said, “We’re standing outside a police station right now. At any moment an officer will come out here and arrest your ass.”

I forgot that my father and Mitchell were standing right next to me.

“Cynthia, you don’t wan to do this.” My father said. He looked as though he were about to cry. My poor father, the woman that he thought he loved turned out to be a psycho bitch.

“Oh you think that just because I said a couple of vows to you meant that I loved you?” my mother gave him a murderous look, “I never loved you. It was all a lie.”

“Shut the hell up!” Mitchell shouted, “you’re a terrible human being and you shouldn’t be locked you, you should be killed.”

“Aww look at that, Mitchell, the son that I thought I killed coming to the rescue of a man who isn’t even his father.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” My father finally spoke up again.

“You see while we were together and you were off on a business trip, I might have, wait no, I did cheat on you. Right before you came home I found out I was pregnant, so I fucked you and then you never knew the difference. You thought poor Mitchell here was your child.”

The woman is beyond fucked up. How could she not of been put in a mental institution? The looks on all of our faces were the look of shock. For some reason we all thought that she was lying but at the same time we all knew that there’s no way she was lying.

I looked back at her and then looked at Asher. He looked terrified and exhausted. If he still wanted to be with me after this entire mess, that’d be a miracle.

“What do you want?” I asked with a sigh of defeat.

“You to come with me, do that and Asher and everyone else will not be harmed.” As soon as she said this Asher looked panicked even more than he already did.

“Ken, don’t do that!” he shouted at me

“I should’ve never dragged you into this in the first place. This is my problem and I will be dammed if you get hurt because of me.” Tears had started to pool up around my eyelids.

“You don’t have to do this.” Asher said.

 “Yes I do.” I was defeated and I probably looked defeated to.

As I looked up my mothers hold on Asher loosened and she let him go. Asher immediately came running into my arms. The tears had started to fall and they didn’t stop.

“Please don’t do this, turn around and run inside the station.” He whispered in my ear.

“Tell my father and Mitchell to do that.” That would’ve been a smart idea from the beginning. “We can distract my mother while they get an officer.”

I could feel Asher look up at my family and mouth something. Before I knew it Asher let go of me and we turned to face my mother.

“What happens if I refuse to go with you?” I questioned.

“Well then you see this gun here? Yeah well pretty boy will die.” She said with an evil smirk.

I gasped at this thought but before I had time to say something back my mother had raised the gun and pointed it directly at Asher.

“Please don’t do that!” I shouted at her.

“Sorry sweetie, you shouldn’t have gotten the cops involved.” She said before pulling the trigger.

The last thing I heard was screaming and I saw my mother get put in handcuffs. Everything was a giant blur from then on, that is before darkness overcame me. 

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