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   I was standing in my closet trying to figure out what to wear tonight. I don’t know why I was having trouble figuring out what to wear. Asher’s seen me in almost everything and almost nothing as well. My cheeks started to grow red as I thought about that day with Asher.

“Have you figured out what to wear yet?” Veronica said from my bed, “or are you daydreaming about Asher’s hot bod again?”

I couldn’t help but let a blush creep back up on my face. If only she knew about my steamy make out session with Asher in the shower.

“Ugh, I don’t know why it’s so difficult.” I said as I fell back onto my bed. 

“Its because you want him in your pants.” Veronica said getting up from my bed and walking towards my closet.

Without any hesitation she grabbed a pair of shorts and a halter top and threw them in my direction. I looked at her and wasn’t sure what she was going for.

“Just put them on now!” She shouted at me.

Quickly jumping up from my bed I threw my clothes off and slid the shorts as well as the light green halter top on. I stared at myself in the mirror. Not going to lie or anything, I looked down right sexy as hell.  I let out a little chuckle as Veronica started to hump me from behind.

“Here, wear these.”  She said handing me a pair of white flip flops. “Now time for your hair!”

“Ugh can’t we just leave my hair the way it is? I think it looks lovely.” I said staring at my hair in the mirror.

Yeah sure it went down to mid-back and it was wavy but I loved it anyways.

“Fine! Can I at least do your make-up?” Veronica asked

“As long as you don’t make me look like a hooker,” I giggled.

“Don’t worry, I won’t!” she shouted as she pulled out her make-up bag.

About twenty minutes later and Veronica was finally finished with my make-up. I was a little afraid to look in the mirror to see what she had done to my face. I sat in my chair with my eyes shut tight refusing to look in the mirror.

“Just look you big baby!” she shouted at me.

I was just about to open my eyes to look when there was a knock at the front door.

I threw my eyes open and ran out of my room, “I got it!”

As I reached the front door the knocking got louder and wouldn’t let up. I was starting to get annoyed with this persons patients.

“Calm down!” I yelled as I opened the door.

My mouth dropped when I saw who was standing behind the door. I knew something bad was about to happen but I was paralyzed, I couldn’t move. I wanted to run away as fast as I could before anything could happen but that wasn’t gonna happen.

“Miss me?” She said with a smug smirk on her face.

“N-n-no, how did you find me? You’re supposed to be in jail!” I shouted.

“Good behavior.” She took a step towards me.

I grabbed the door quickly and tried to shut it as fast as I could but a strong arm grabbed a hold of the door. There was a man there. I don’t know how he got there but he was there.

“Grab her.” And with that everything went black.


Its short! I know! But I felt like I had to update this for you guys. I'm still not as in love with this story as I used to be so it wont be updated often because i am not 100% positive how I want the story to go now.  I'm also #488 on teen fiction with this book! That's excitingggg! Now if I updated more I'd probably be higher haha but anyways guys keep reading and voting and commenting and telling your friends! I love you alll! Also how would you feel about either her mothers or asher's p.o.v??? I'm not usually too keen on p.o.v's but I'm thinking that it'll make the story more interesting. LET ME KNOW!<3 

I've been so busy with school and now I'm working so its kind of hard to find time to update so pleaseeee bare with me guys! Anyways I hope you like it, comment/vote. 

Love y'all! Nikkixx 

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