Chapter Thirty-Four

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I am beyond sorry for the wait. My computer broke, so I got a new one but I didn't have word on it until after I got to college. I'm sorry again guys. I hope you like this! 


I walked downstairs to where my father and brother were sitting with the police. I froze on the stairs and just stared at them. The memories of what had happened when my mother kidnapped me came flooding back into my mind. I hadn’t thought of anything that she had done to me last night. Asher had made me forget all of that and he made me feel safe.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought about the incident again. If I had to say them out loud to the police and my family I will break down and cry. Tears started to form and I could feel them about to fall from my eyes. Before I knew it tears had started to fall down my cheeks, I was just about to turn around and run back to my room when Asher appeared next to me.

“Babe what’s wrong?” he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

This just made me break out into tears. He was the sweetest guy that I have ever met and he’s sitting her concerned about me and I couldn’t even tell him why I was crying.

“You can tell me anything.” He said with a hint of worry in his voice.

This just made me want to cry even more than I already was. I was soaking his shirt with my tears and I couldn’t seem to get the words out. I could think the words all that I wanted to but every single time I tried to open my mouth to say the words, I’d just make this weird gasping noise. I sounded like a dying animal.

“Hey babe, its okay. You don’t have to tell me now.” Asher said as he continued to rub circles on my back.

I pulled away from his embrace and started walking back to my room. I couldn’t talk to the cops like this, I needed more time, and just thinking about telling them what happened made me cry. I wouldn’t be able to get the words out if I tried talking to them.

“Where are you going?” Asher said as he followed me.

“My room.” I said

Instead of trying to stop me and tell me that I needed to go and talk to the police Asher followed me to my room. Once inside my room he shut the door as I fell to the floor. I don’t remember how long I sat on the ground crying for but all I know is that Asher never once left my side. Would it be weird to say that I was in love after only knowing the guy for two months? Maybe I’m only thinking that I love him because I’m vulnerable right now and he’s here for me. I’ve heard of people who think they love someone just because they’re vulnerable and the guy is there for them.

After a while I finally stopped crying. My head was lying in Asher’s lap and I had a ball of tissues in m hand. I probably looked disgusting at the moment but Asher didn’t seem to care. I heard Asher make a noise that seemed like he was about to say something but then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

“Hey Ken,” my brother said poking his head in through the door. “The cops left they said that whenever you were ready that they’ll be waiting to hear your side of the story.”

“Thanks” was all that I could mutter.

I felt like if I were to say anything more I would start crying and that wouldn’t be the best idea seeing as how I just stopped myself from crying. My brother nodded his head and then left the room.

“Kendall…” Asher said, when I looked up at him he was just starring out the window.

“Yes?” I said as I wiped the snot from my noise.

“What’s going on” he asked me as if I were supposed to know.

“What are you talking about?” he may think that I’m playing dumb but I really had no idea what he was talking about.

“Between us?” he asked looking down at me with a serious expression.

 Oh shit, was my first thought. I had no idea what was going on between. Sure I liked Asher a lot but we barely know each other. Plus this entire thing that just happened with my mom, I didn’t know what to think. Why would he ask me this now? He could’ve asked me anytime before but no he waits till I’m sitting on my bedroom floor crying because my mother kidnapped me and did horrible things to me.

“Why now?” I wondered.

“What do you mean?” he looked confused.

“I’m sitting here crying because of what happened and you chose now to ask what’s going on between us?” I questioned him. “Don’t you think that’s a little selfish!”

I had no clue why I was getting defensive; Asher has a right to know what’s going on between us. Yeah we’re friends but I know that there is something more between us and he knows it just as well.

“It never seems like a good time to bring it up so I just assumed that I should just say it and see what happens.” Asher started to get defensive as well.

“You have had every chance to ask but you know that I’m vulnerable right now, that’s why you asked!” I got off his lap and I was standing now.

“Excuse me? Yes you are but you are also a smart girl who doesn’t make decisions based on how vulnerable she’s feeling in a certain moment.” Asher was standing now and I could tell how hurt he was but I wouldn’t stop.

“You don’t know me! You don’t have the right to tell me how I would act in certain situations.” My voice had started to rise. I shouldn’t be getting mad and yelling at him.

“I don’t need this, I’m done.” Those were the last words Asher spoke to me before he walked away from me. 

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