ACT I - Current Events

60 4 3

5 hours after Operation Ocean Sun

"This morning, the JSF carrier, The Discovery, encountered a convoy of ships that is to be believed to be the cause of the disappearance of countless ships in the north Atlantic, has been raided today by JSF forces. It is unclear at this time whether or not that the crew were sent by any of the super powers, or not..."

"With the smoke still settling in Copenhagen, the US, and Europe, and stopped just short of declaring war..."

"President Becerra still claims evidence of a conspiracy to destroy the Freedom 4. An accusation President Pérreau calls, preposterous. Both leaders have agreed to meet for talks next week on neutral ground in London..."

"Meanwhile, The Freedom 4's rescheduled launch, is set to go forth tomorrow morning..."

1 day, and 30 after Operation Ocean Sun

"BREAKING NEWS!!! The Freedom 4 has been destroyed by a kinetic laser strike from space! A declaration of war is imminent!"

"The Americans are an outrage! The Freedom 4, and its crew has been demolished by one of the European Satellite Lasers. Patriots are demanding justice over the destruction of the space shuttle, and the comprises along with it."

"The European Federation and the United States have now declared war on each other. Russia also declares war on Europe to try and 'Assist' the Americans in the fight. The United States has declined this offer of help. Assuming that Russia will take advantage of the chaos, Both sides have also declared war on Russia, making this a fight on three fronts."

???: "Turn off that TV."

Taylor: "Yes sir."

???: "I've read from reports that Task Force Vagrant successfully executed their objectives, and with minimal casualties no less."

Taylor: "For their first mission, they are proving to be capable. With time, their small task force will do even more. Even though they are an attachment to the JSF, they are still just recruits. Except for their commander."

???: "Yes, Commander Marcus Crane. Although the girls executed the mission without his orders, he's still crafty with adaptable strategies."

Taylor: "His time at Griffin has proved eventful."

???: "I agree. Get in contact with Griffin, and let him know about the current situation of things. Task Force Vagrant's next operation will be investigating the launch site at Kennedy Space Center. Their base of operations will be in that area too."

Taylor:" Understood General."

???: "Right now, were are at war. No nation, faction... or PMC is safe. Prepare for the worst possible outcome."

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