ACT II - Operation Lightning Rail I

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Week 1, day 7 of WWIV, 8 Days After Operation Ocean Sun

G&K Base-Commander's Office S16, Forward Base Camp, 1100.

Third Person P.O.V.

Griffin Base Sector 16. Commander Marcus' base that he commands. But now, the logistics personnel and T-Dolls are in a frenzy. Shorty, the T-Dolls will be ordered to either sortie or fortify defensive positions around the base. For a considerable amount of time, the personnel, and T-Dolls have not seen combat. They all assume that they are up against S.F. units, which is a bit of a relief to some. Being able to do something instead of having no action on their sector, while other sectors are locked in deadlocks and frontal assaults from S.F. units. It made them anxious to do something. Currently, The T-dolls scrambled for a sortie is Echelons 1-6, each lead by at least one of the Commander's trusted adjutants. The thirty T-dolls organize their gear and prepare to load up on the Blackhawk helicopters. The leaders of the Echelons go into a small room within the forward base camp.

WA2000: "Ugh, we don't have time for this PA-15's Echelon needs to be scrambled too. We're just now getting an operation and now PA-15 is missing! Why is she exempt here?"

FAL: "Because she is the mission, WA."

WA2000: "What?"

FAL: "15 hours ago, PA-15 lead Echelon 7 and Echelon 8 on a Recon scouting mission. an hour ago, we lost contact with both echelons simultaneously. The last report from her talked about unknown assailants opening up a boxcar... And that was all that was said before cut off."

DP-12: "Do we have any infor on who we are up against? Is it S.F.?

FAL: "Unknown. We're jumping into this blind."

P90: "On one hand, I'm excited about able to be doing something. On the other, the potentiality of a new threat makes me worried."

AUG: "I second that. Are we delegating our actions since the Commander's not present?"

Marcus: [["No, I will still be leading this operation."]]

Kord & P90: "Commander~!"

WA2000: "Tsk- Why'd you take so long to contact us? You could have at least given us the briefing!"

Marcus: "You try hailing this connection while there is a war going on. Anyway, I also have a secondary objective for you all. This is one from me personally."

The leading T-dolls are confused at the mention of the Secondary objective that the commander has mentioned, and out of the blue none the less. Their body language and demeanor changed from their normal, to tense, all attention towards the commanders words.

WA2000: "We're listening."

Marcus: "If you ladies recall, I mentioned how the JSF Carrier and forces encountered the three battleships out at sea. The Task Force I was commanding entered into the carrier, but as soon as they entered the zone, there communications were completely cut off."

FAL: "I thought you told us that the location found on files were of a different railroad yard from the target location."

Marcus: "it is, but I can't shake the feeling that what happened to the recon forces is similar to the ship assault at sea. So the primary objective will be to get in contact with any remaining forces of the Recon team. Secondary Objective is to confirm the threat, and affiliation."

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