Chapter 45: fear but assurance

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He's alive.

My biggest fear and threat still lingers and steps on this very same earth as I...

It scares and intimidates me. I need and want to beat him. Only piercing problem being that he uses Emilio against me where as he has nothing but himself to loose.

It's been a week since being in the same room as him and Emilio is getting better. Told not to be walking but of course not following that rule...

My body rests against the warm bed. Him downstairs making something to eat since it's about 9 in the morning.

I haven't slept much since. The fear being to potent to even challenge at my fear of Emilio slipping from me..

My eyes burn and my body aches. Not much for Emilio to do as he's still healing from the shot to the heart. Breaking one of his ribs but just missing his precise life.

My breathing is still and as so my body. Listening carefully to every sound and tick that comes from where he stays...

"Michelle" Someone hums from the door. My eyes shooting open as so my breathing.

"Who is it" I spit. Drooling my eyes in drained energy...

"God you can't even remember my voice. Please let me give you a bath love" he whines. Walking around to my side and latching his eyes on mine.

I exhale roughly as pain rests in me. It's true, I'm so tired and exhausted I can't remember simple things..

He sits on the bed and places his hand on my cheek. Brushing his thumb against my chin and gazing down at me.

"Emilio I'm so scared" I confess. Tears drooling from my eyes...

His jaw clenches. Pushing himself close to me and placing kisses over the spots of where my tears root from.

"I promise your safe Michelle. Please trust me" He whispers. Want and everything easing through his tone...

"I made you food and coffee. Let me help you in the bath" he asks. Sitting me up effortlessly and following my eyes with his.

I plant my feet on the ground and try pushing myself up. My legs sore and weak from not leaving this bed for the past time...

He grabs my waist and helps me to the washroom. Resting my head against his warm arm until we meet the chilling washroom.

"I should be the one taking care of you" I whisper. His hand pushing the door open with a slim grin...

"That's alright. I love taking care of you anyways" he assures. My eyebrows dipping in furrows to playful anger.

His whole body turns to me. My arms gripped on his chest and shoulder for support as his stay on my waist...

I look up into his soft eyes. His guard down and the love shining through him.

One of his hands replace onto the back of my jawline. Tilting my head up and keeping his wandering eyes on mine...

"This is exactly why I don't like you out of my sight" he tells. Pecking me gently on the lips.

I narrow my eyes and feel his hands lift me gently. Slowly setting me on the cold counter which my body flinches and feels from...

As he turns around for the bath I roll my eyes. Swaying my feet back and forth over the counter and watching him steady from where I sit.

His back clenches and twists through his shirt. Tightening against the rough muscles which trace over his back...

I tilt my head and paint it with my eyes. Making out a heart from the middle as I connect the lines.

This man is nothing but love. I see that everyday and don't think anyone else could make me to believe otherwise...

He's gentle. Thoughtful. Caring. Loving... And just someone who's been hurt very badly. Why is it those people who are believed and feared the most.

His fingers run under the water in caution to the temperature. Turning the nob in act to get it just right...

His head twists to mine. His face calm and his eyes noticing as I watch him.

"Can I tell you something" he hums. His voice echoing against the empty washroom with just us..

I nod silently and feel my chest rise and drop. His body sitting itself on the lining of the beautiful bath.

"I always wanted to be this person who cared nothing about others" he claims. Tightening his grip on the white cold stone...

"I thought being alone would solve the hurt that others put me through and for a good part of my life it did" he says. His voice lowering as pain covers it.

"When I saw you I tried so hard to push you out as well and not act on the sorrow I had for you"..

"I finally gave up though. The way you looked at me was just so addicting it killed me... So I gave in and tried giving into the sorrow. Trying to fix you" He says. His eyes dropping to his hands in embarrassment.

"I never had the intention of loving you so much I'd kill for you. Yet right now I want nothing more then to hurt the person that destroyed you... Every single one of them" he whispers. Loud enough to reach everything in me. Those thoughtful words just hitting me like a scar that never seems to heal..

In a slow moment he pushes himself of the counter. Stepping towards me and landing between my legs with his.

His hands rest on my thighs with warmth. Making the pinching feeling of the counter underneath me fade and die...

"Emilio your my best friend, your the love of my life, your the person I want children with, The one I want to be with the rest of my life.. I love you so fucking much" I spill. Desirable tears drizzling in our lips as we connect passionately.

His fingers reach my shirt. Pulling it up gently and revealing my perky breasts. Aching gently for reasons I can't explain..

I feel his eyes watch me and admire. Studying every part of me he's revealed to at this very moment.

His fingers caress my shoulders and slide down. Drawing against my arm until reaching my hands. Placing his in mine gently...

"Come" he whispers. Helping me with his off the counter and looking down on me softly.

I remove my hands from his and attach then to my panties. Letting them fall to my feet and stepping out of them...

His fingers gently wrap against my jaw. Tilting my head up and meeting my innocent gaze.

"Your the most important thing in my entire life Michelle" he states. Staring at me sternly with honesty running over it...

I place my hand over his and smile. Letting the sitting saliva run against my throat.

"Here" he says. Walking me to the bath and helping me climb it...

Once I'm seated my eyes sit ahead. The feeling of his hard and fiery ones on me.

"I'll be downstairs. When your done get dressed we're going to a possible club I may buy" he hums. My eyes quickly meeting his with low...

Without any answer he nods gently and walks out of the washroom. Leaving me alone with a pit in my stomach of fear and reassurance leaving me alone.

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