Chapter 54: God when does it end

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"Here take a bite" I giggle. Pressing the tip of the spoon into his mouth.

He smiles big and eats it. Holding my gaze on him as the warmth of his body brings life back to me...

Tony left the condo as we stay here now in case of need of the hospital.

It's been two months after and he's slowly getting stronger. His body loosing many of the things he had since he lay in that bed everyday with nothing...

I sit straddled in his lap and feed him. My hand under his chin in support and my eyes watching him.

We haven't had sex or kissed as Adrian still leaves mark on us. Hurting me but being thankful for him still with me...

He caresses my cheek with his hand softly. My head tilted into him and smiling.

"I love you" He whispers. Want travelling against his eyes like nothing else...

"I love you too" I say. My eyes swallowing with tears.

I push more food into his mouth and place it on the night stand. Placing my hands against his chest softly...

His hands ring around my hips tightly and hold me down. The faint feeling of his dick against my throbbing cunt testing me.

"Michelle" He voices lowly. My eyes shut and head struck back...

I hum "yes" while controlling my breathes. Understanding that what I did was wrong and deserve nothing of Emilio.

"Tell me one thing" He asks. My eyes striking open and landing on his...

"What is it" I say. My eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Did you feel something while you had sex with him?" He asks. No hurt in his eyes but just curiosity...

I freeze. My body going limp and my eyes widening big.

I hold my breath. Watching as his eyes grow concerned with disbelief...

"No" I say flat. Blinking gently as I control the tears.

"I have to pee" He whispers. Pulling me off him and standing...

"Do you need help" I wince. Placing my hand in his but feeling the chilling breeze of nothing fill it.

He stops. Not reaching the bathroom but just stops...

"I understand. You were alone and he was there... But god Michelle. Him!" He confesses. The dragging pain running against his tone.

I stutter on my voice. Unable of what answer to give...

I drag my hands against my thighs. Thinking of an answer that will fit this interaction.

"Emilio I don't want him" I say. Trying to convince myself of that fully....

"Good. You'll be able to show me and him that tonight then" He stabs. My intake of air becoming uncontrollable.

I lay myself down on my side and press my cheek against my hands. Curling my toes and looking into nothing....


"He should be here in about 30 minutes" Emilio says from the living room. My eyes on the steaks grilling but my body somewhere else.

That night

The night that he pushes me against a wall and fucked me harder then I thought I could take...

He made everything else disappear from my mind like a handful of water . Now all of it reaching back up.

I put all the finished steaks on a plate and place them on the table. Glancing at the varies of food and nicely set plating...

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