Switched roles - Adrienette

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POV Adrien:

I'm Adrien, I'm 24 years old. I'm that famous model that everyone admires and want to end in my bed. I hear the same talking as always, I'm cute, handsome, sexy, muscular, I have eight packs, and blah blah blah, the routine.

I work with my assistant Kagami who in the end ended in my bed, but she wasn't that good to pleasure me, and since then, I never had a girl in my bed, not because I don't want that, but because i have a lot of work because it's already December and so everyone need my face to make an announcer for their product.

Every year is the same shit, the same craps and the same routine. Everyone think that I'm rich and handsome so I have the best life ever but the roles behind the scenes are the most important. They don't know what I really feel or how my life is. They just see the perfect image of Adrien Agreste, the rich and sexy model but they don't see my real image, the lonely and overwhelmed Adrien Agreste.

Like every day, I get up early for my habitual work out. I got up, I wash my teeth and face, I wore my sweatsuit, my sport shoes, I got my water bottle and I left my mansion as I leave alone, it was time that I get rid from my father's orders, but I just model his collections, only that. what a pathetic life.

I like working out at 6am, air is fresh, no people and no autographs, just me alone.

After one hour of jogging, I went back home and got a really warm shower to relax my muscles then I changed and went to the company. Yes, I'm now the owner of the company Agreste because dad decided to marry Nathalie and give me all the fuckin work with modeling too. I really hate my life sometimes; I feel that women lives are easier compared to men lives.

I walked to the office as I got a "good morning, sir" or "hello sir" wherever I go, even in the cafeteria of the company. I just want someone friendly, a friend, a good company. Someone who loves me for who I'm and not for the lot of money that I have in my bank account.

Everyone just looks at me just as a pocket money or their salary.

After a long day of signing some shit of papers, my assistant Kagami opened my door. Oh lord, I just hate to see her sometimes because all the fuckin bad news that she always gets me

Kagami: hey handsome, you have a photo shooting at 4pm, be ready

What I was saying? I hate photo shoots more than hating my own father, but whatever, that's work. I just nodded and exited my office because it's already 3:30pm

The photo shooting was in the trocadero for some winter coats. At least I won't feel cold in this cold weather.

After a long "do this" and "do that" I finally finished with this torture. I'm really tired, every bone in my body is cursing me. I can't even feel my feet, I spent 3 hours posing and without even a pause. It's 7pm, it's time for dinner.

I walked to the fountain in the middle of the trocadero and I played with the water, it's cold but I don't care, I love playing with water since my childhood. It was the full moon, it was so beautiful, something that can make me forget about my bad day

I sighed and keep playing with the water

Adrien: I wish I was a girl. Girls' life is really easy.

After 30 minutes, I got up from the fountain and went to a restaurant, for sure I forget the hat and sunglasses so I spent 10 minutes signing some autographs and some selfies.

I was disgusted to find two lovey dovey couple that made me sick next to my table, and it's not the only time I see him here, boff whatever. I just ordered some food and before my number one fan Wayhem clicked a selfie together and post it on Instagram as he tagged me.

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