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˗ˏˋ botany club 'ˎ˗

had it been a week since your arrival: you had been getting along with your new friends, though, you mostly remained by ganyu and keqing's side. your friendship with childe also blossomed, you two had gotten close though most of your interactions were limited to your biology class and instagram text messaging.

currently however, you were in maths class, listening attentively to what your teacher was explaining - quadratics. you were also quickly jotting down whatever she wrote on the white board for further reference. maths had always been your strong suite, it was one of your favourite classes and unlike other subjects, you immediately understood and caught up to whatever the maths syllabus was offering here; you weren't struggling in maths here at all.

furthermore, for this class, you sat next to thoma -  a lovely, charming and enthusiastic man, who's very enjoyable to be around - but thoma had called in sick yesterday and mentioned he will be unable to attend classes for around 2 days so you had the entire table to your self which was very helpful for your concentration since thoma had his way of enveloping you into a good conversation that was able to make you forget about your studies.

finally, after what had seemed like ages, you arrived at the answer to the quadratic equation you were solving, consequently, the bell also rung at the same time. 

since it had been a week since your arrival, you had already started to figure out your way around the place and you didn't need ganyu anymore to guide you across the long, labyrinth halls of the school. making your way outside, you walked to the local library located in the campus, it was currently your favourite spot to visit during lunchtime or homeroom. you loved it's quiet atmosphere and adored the long sections of literature held in these shelves.

you placed your books and backpack on one of the tables near the entrance to the place and began searching for a good book to get lost into, you were hoping to find some of nikolai gogol's work in these shelves. however, your search was put to an abrupt halt when you heard a familiar voice call out your name. you immediately recognized it as ganyu's.

'there you are! i have been looking everywhere for you!' she whisper-shouted once you came close enough to her and inquired as to why she was calling out your name, 'keqing and ningguang asked me to ask you to join one of the clubs here,' your face immediately fell. you were already too busy with catching up to the syllabus, you didn't want to burden yourself with a club now. 

'tell me why i have to do this?' you asked, frustration and annoyance was evident in your voice. 'now, now, don't get so angry, you know that in order to pass, you have to join atleast one club besides maybe you'll find a club that you'll like,' she said as she handed you a paper form with the lists of clubs that were available and looking for new members.

you snatched the paper from her grip and scanned it's content, you then visibly groaned. 'these are so lame, can't i join the club you're in?' she sighed, 'i'd want you to join the student body but you're new here so we aren't allowed... isn't there something that catches your eye?' you looked again, most of the clubs were lame such as "manga club" or "astrology club", however from the list of options you were provided with, the botany club stood out the most to you.

'how about botany? it'd be nice to get extra insight for my biology class,' you stated, 'botany! oh you'll enjoy it very much, the club's leader is wonderful too but are you sure about it?' she raised an eyebrow, 'you're gonna have to be in this club until you finish your studies here in year 13,' 'yep, i'm sure, i mean, it's better than the other options listed,' you confirmed.

ganyu got you to sign the paper along with mentioning the club you'll be joining and took you to meet the club's leader and to also give him your joining slip.

the halls dragged on forever, ganyu took you to an unknown location - the part of the school you hadn't visited, it was the gardening area.

she bursted into the gardening room of the school, startling the only man present there. the man was embarrassed to be greeted by ganyu and you. since he started to clean off his clothes and remove the gardening gloves he was previously wearing.

'ganyu, what brings you here?' he confidently asked, 'ah well, y/n here was interested in joining your club so i wanted to just inform you and also wanted you to get acquainted with her,' she responded as she handed him your form. he gently took the piece of paper from her and began to scan it as you sheepishly stood there, admiring the man's features.

he had dark hair that reached just above his shoulder, the front parts of them being green - dyed or were they naturally like that? you were unsure. your gaze then landed on his facial expression, he looked so attractive when he was concentrating on the form; you couldn't help but notice every detail about him. and his ears! his fox ears - they looked adorably soft, you had to get your hands on them. to summarize, you thought the unknown club leader was attractive.

'alright then!' the voice of the young man snapped you out of your thoughts, you probably looked so stupid right now, 'so y/n, welcome to the botany club! i'm the club leader, al-tighnari,' he smiled and offered you his hand to shake, to which you did.

'so! i'll leave you both to it,' ganyu spoke and as she left, she gave you a knowing look to confirm that yes, she knew. tighnari just shrugged as he didn't understand what ganyu did to get your face to flush in such a crimson shade. once the blue-haired girl was gone, tighnari began to explain the do's and don't's of the club, what you can expect and achieve and when the club meeting times will be yet all you could think of was how attractive he was, your eyes were fixated on his features.

well, this was going to be a long year indeed.

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