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˗ˏˋ club meeting 'ˎ˗

monday marked the 10th day since your arrival in this school. the past 10 days have been the best of your life; you enjoyed school very much. even though there were many deadlines to follow and assignments to complete; you still had friends - people in the same boat as you, people who you can depend on, people who you could talk to.

additionally, your home life was quiet, you didn't have anyone to talk to nor anyone to depend on, it was just you and your books. sometimes, you'd talk and communicate to your parents about your difficulties but since they were decades older than you, they'd never understand your problems but now, you actually had people your age to turn towards.

people your age being mainly keqing and ganyu; those girls were literally your closest friends here even though you three didn't have many classes together, you all still managed to find some time to spend together whether it's lunchtime or having after school hangouts with one another.

you were currently roaming the halls of the school, accompanied by keqing. you both were on your way to history class to meet up with ganyu since you and keqing's class had gotten off early, you both had an ample amount of time to wait for your other friend.

suddenly, you were greeted by a man with familiar fox ears and green clothes — tighnari.

'y/n! today's monday, don't forget: we have our club meet up today after classes, it'll be at the garden, don't be late,' he informed you to which you nodded in response. this simple meetup was enough for your cheeks to be in coloured in a dark shade of crimson, heat was rising to them; your lips, too, were curving into a smile which you wanted to hide. tighnari left as quick as he came yet his effect on you was everlasting.

but it's too early for you to be searching for a romantic interest, is it not? you'd been here for less than 2 weeks! besides, there were better guys in the school who might actually be interested in you, tighnari's a long shot, he's too serious.
besides, this is probably just a "new girl" thing, you weren't around many people growing up so maybe you'd just convinced yourself you were developing feelings for him and they'd be gone in a week or two.

even so, the way his presence affected you didn't go unnoticed by keqing, she was sharp and intelligent, she was quick to pick up on things and she already about your feelings for tighnari just with the way you acted around him yet she didn't want to embarrass you further so she kept quiet and would only ask you if you're willing to talk about it, she'd never force anything out of you. she, too, had had her fair share of embarrassing crush experiences.

'ah so where were we?' you smiled at keqing, acting as if your interaction with tighnari totally didn't bother you. she just nodded and walked with you over to ganyu's class.

at lunch, you were sitting with ganyu and keqing, along with some of their other friends, including zhongli, shenhe, xiao, ningguang and a few others. you all were quietly enjoying your lunches along with each other's presence.

until ganyu turned to you and broke the comforting silence: 'so y/n, me and keqing are gonna be going to the local park today after school, wanna come?' 'erm, i can't, club stuff,' you declined. truth be told, you wanted to hang out with ganyu and keqing but then again, your school priorities came first, who knows what would happen if you bailed on it on your first day. still, you can't help but feel guilty for doing this to your first ever friends.

ganyu seemed upset at this but she also knew that your education came first, 'it's alright, we can reschedule, right keqing?' she smiled, keqing just nodded in her direction.

the rest of the day was blur, spent with classes, studying all of that sort.

your last class before the club meeting was maths - your favourite class. just before entering your maths class, your mind was set on tighnari's club meeting until upon entering your maths class, you were greeted by the warm smile of your teacher which made you completely forget about the meeting.

thoma was sitting beside you, you said hello to him and brought out your books to study. you and thoma's conversations usually were small talk; you both only ever interacted if either of you needed help in the subject, otherwise, it was just silence.

due to your admiration for the subject, you hadn't even realized how fast the time went until the bell ringing finally reminded you of the club meeting you had today.

though, you had been so absorbed in your tasks today that you had forgotten the main problem: you didn't know where the garden was.

you had been to the garden once, that was when you met tighnari for the first time. you couldn't even recall where it had been as the trip was now a blur in your mind and the only thing you could remember from the trip was tighnari and how he looked and talked and such.

to be fair, the smarter thing you could've done was ask someone for directions rather than roaming around the halls like an idiot but eventually, you found yourself in front of the garden where the botany club was having their meeting. you pulled out your phone to check the time: 2:06, you had been 21 minutes late to the meeting. you mentally cursed yourself for being so late and on your first day too.

you pushed opened the doors to the garden where the eyes of everyone in the club turned to look at you. "how embarrassing" you thought, your eyes were glued to the floor as you attempted to make your way to the back of the room you were currently in - away from everyone.

'ah, did i mention we have a new member? it's y/n l/n, i hope you all can give her a warm welcome,' he announced, 'now anyways, where were we?' 

in your opinion, the club meeting was boring. all that really happened was tighnari just explaining plants to everyone yet they all seemed very interested in it. maybe, you should've gone for the astrology club, atleast that way, you would've been able to predict future or something.

the entire meeting was dreadful, you struggled to keep your eyes open, you felt as though that if you let your mind wander, you'd fall into a sleep of daydream or even worse - sleep. you wondered, how could anyone know so much about plants and have people that actually enjoyed listening to him talk about said topic. but you knew you had to endure it until next year. ah, the things you'd do for some extra credit.

until tighnari's words snapped you out of your miserable state: 'alright everyone, that's it for today,' he still had the same smile on his face to when he introduced you to everyone and now as well, he was bidding goodbye to everyone.

you made your way outside, you were so glad you were able to endure the past hour and not fall asleep. 'y/n?' tighnari called out to you, his voice making you jump. you turned to look at him, 'i noticed you seemed quite sleepy throughout the last hour, was this really that boring for you?' 'no! not at all, it's just i had maths before this and it drained all of my energy, sorry if it seemed that way,' you lied, you knew lying was wrong but you didn't want to hurt his feelings.

'oh alright, don't worry, this'll get interesting soon, i'm glad you came and enjoyed our meeting today, y/n,' he smiled, 'yeah totally!' you replied as you made your way outside. now you really felt bad for lying to him but who knows? maybe you might actually enjoy these meetings soon.

a/n; i have never been in a botany club or any club for that matter, i don't know how this works.

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