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˗ˏˋ unsent messages 'ˎ˗

that following day, after tighnari had sent you to the clinic, he heard the news of you being sent home from one your friends; he couldn't help but worry. you had occupied his thoughts from the moment he heard the information, he could barely concentrate on anything afterwards.

math class? well, that was your favourite subject, he could only ever think of how passionate you were for the class.
club meeting? you were always the first to arrive in them, listening ever so intently to whatever the discussion had to offer.
you had unfortunately occupied his thoughts the entire day.

the evening on that day when he had finally left school to go home, he thought he was free of your captivating grip yet ever since he arrived his thoughts only got more worrying by the minute.

when he arrived home, he tiredly flopped onto his bed until he looked over to his side table where his clock was sitting on. he read the time, "16:42" it read. he immediately shot up and sat upright on his bed removing his phone from his pocket. he opened up your instagram account and debated whether or not to text you.

it was nearing 5PM, surely you'd be home by now and already rested up well? still, he didn't want to bother you, what if you really were terribly sick and his text just happened to make your condition worse; he knew how using electronic devices could cause headaches to physically unwell people furthermore, he felt as though his texts would be a burden for you.

after staring at your and his instagram text messages, he shut his screen off and tossed his phone aside, he decided that it'd be better if he focused on something else for the time being.

he opened up his backpack and removed his chemistry books, moving to his desk to complete the mountain of homework he'd received.
he attempted to solve a question, though his mind was somewhere else which caused him to incorrectly answer it. he shrugged it off and continued to solve other ones and only got a few answers correct.
he was frustrated, what had caused him to be so distracted? chemistry was one of his favourite subjects and the one he was the best at yet he couldn't understand why he was unable to properly focus.

he believed that he was having a burnout for the subject so he moved on to another one: maths; that was a big mistake.
immediately after solving one or two equations, his mind wandered off to a certain h/c girl in his club. he was loosing his concentration which frustrated him further.

just why was he thinking so much of you lately? surely it's because you were unwell, that is all there is to it, right?
he texted you on instagram, believing that maybe the only reason he was so distracted was because he had to be reassured that you were alright.

"hi, just checking up, how are you feeling?" he texted you and put his phone aside and began to do his homework once again but immediately after he started he kept checking his phone every few seconds to see if you responded or not; he opened the chat, saw no response and then went back. he did this back and forth for a couple of minutes until his fingers misclicked and he accidentally clicked on your profile.

huh, he never realised how pretty you were. he scrolled through your profile, admiring images of you, you looked gorgeous in all of them. he clicked on a few images of just you, mirror selfies or pictures taken of you by your friends, he thought you looked ethereal.
his focus on his work was long gone, all he could focus on was you and only you.

after a while, he got a ding! from his instagram app, it was a text back from you. he immediately clicked on it, his heart was beating rather fast as he typed down an appropriate response for you.
you and him continued to have a conversation which mainly involved you reassuring him of your physical state. he never realised how much he cared about you until now.

that night, when the moon was the only thing illuminating his room, his mind wandered off to you. he thought about you and how your hair looked today and how you were smiling while talking with childe and how you looked when you tried to reassure him in the morning. he was falling in love with you.

he immediately sat up at the thought. he couldn't possibly be in love with someone; no, he was far too busy for that: he had loads of school work to attend to, along with managing his club, he didn't have time for it.
yet he still couldn't brush off the thought that he liked you, a lot in fact.

maybe he wouldn't mind falling in love with someone as long as it's you.

a/n: sorry for no updates yesterday, i was binging jojo ://

- CAMELLIA ;; tighnariWhere stories live. Discover now