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˗ˏˋ botany club pt 2 'ˎ˗

two weeks had passed since your arrival and 4 days since your first ever club meeting. tighnari had promised you that it'll get better at the next meeting which was today so you kept your hopes up.

you strolled through the long, monotone halls of the school until you arrived at the garden. you didn't get lost this time as you had already come to these grounds multiple times prior to admire the beauty of the place and totally not to engage tighnari in small talks.

you pushed opened the glass doors of the botany club's meetup and entered the place, situating yourself at the ends of the place, just like you had in your past meeting.

you were too lost in your thoughts that you hadn't even realised how unusually quiet the place was.
in your past arrivals at the place, you'd usually be greeted by tighnari or some other member of his club here but currently there was no one here. you roamed the place, in search of someone ( and admiring a few plants here and there ) yet there was no one, confirming your theory that you had indeed arrived a bit too early.

since no one was here and no one would come here for the next few minutes or so, you began to admire the multiple flowers and blossoms that decorated the place.
there was a large range of plants here, from poison ivys to rosemarys and your personal favourite, camellias.
the whole of plants looked marvelous.

the sounds of the door opening caused you to jump and hurriedly return to your previous position at the back of the garden. 'ah, y/n, didn't expect to see you here, you're early,' you heard tighnari's gentle voice speak to you, 'that excited for meetup today?' 'i suppose,' you replied, 'this place is gorgeous,'

tighnari blushed at your compliment, 'thanks, it's all my work,'
'it's all yours? you made all of this?' you exclaimed. he was used to many compliments from nearly everyone in the school yet they all had some way of making him flustered. 'yeah,' he mustered out.

suddenly, the doors of the hall bursted open, a bright green colored hair individual entered the place, tighnari let out a sigh of disappointment upon the arrival of the new person.

'collei, what have i said about entering like this?' he scolded her, rubbing his temples. 'sorry sir! i was just so excited and—' 'it's alright, no need to apologise.'

once the new being was in your view, you could finally make out the new person's features: she looked young, very young about a year or two younger than you and she looked sick and tired — her eyes had dangling bags of tiredness under them, she seemed to get tired over the smallest of movements additionally, her skin was too white, pale in fact yet she seemed too optimistic and bright, it also appeared that she really admired tighnari and his work.

'y/n, have you met collei yet?' tighnari asked which caused the younger to look in your direction and walk over to you to introduce herself: 'hello! i'm collei but you already knew that anyways what's your name? is it y/n? also i haven't seen you around here, are you new? what's your year? i'm in year 10!' you liked the way collei was talking, she seemed so enthusiastic which made you like her already. 'yeah i'm new here, it's my second week, i think and i'm in year 12 also your name is very cute,' you replied. you noticed the way the younger teen's face lit up at your compliment, she was adorable.

time passed rather quickly when you were chatting away with her - you loved talking with her; more students were entering for the club meeting today yet you weren't bothered until tighnari cleared his throat and began to explain what the club will be doing today.

'so i got a regional specialty today, from jean, you may know her as the student council vice president but anyways i had her bring me some dandelion seeds from mondsadt and today we're gonna attempt to plant them here as i mentioned in our previous meeting.'

previous meeting? you cursed yourself for not paying attention last time but you did learn about plants and knew their basics so this might be easy, all they required was sunlight, water and carbon dioxide, right?

tighnari proceeded to give everyone a handful of dandelions seeds and instructed them on how to properly bury and grow them. tighnari came over to you and gently put some of the seeds in your palm, the seeds were so small and delicate, you felt as though any small movements of your hands would shatter them - you didn't even want to plant them, they were so petite.

you had probably been staring at them for a far too long time since tighnari curiously asked you if you were ever going to plant them. how embarrassing. you nervously nodded as you attempted to dig a hole on one of the pots filled with fertilizer with one of your hands, the other was still clinging onto the tiny seeds. 

tighnari chuckled as he watched you strive to plant the dandelion seeds properly. "i probably look like a fool," you thought as you attempted to cover your embarrassed face with your h/c-coloured hair.

'if you want my help, just say so,' he smirked. your face was burning in a dark shade of red as blood rushed up to the blood vessels in your cheeks from humiliation in front of your club leader. reluctantly, you looked at the raven-head sheepishly, 'um, i'd really like your help, tighnari,' he smiled, 'that wasn't so difficult now, was it?'

he walked over to you and held your hands as he guided you on how to properly plant the seeds. 'you weren't paying attention last meeting, weren't you?' he asked, not even looking up from the task he was assisting you with though his hands had left yours moments after he held them. his inquiry surprised you, how was he so perceptive? 'oh no, i totally was, it was interesting,' you lied straight through your teeth but it was better to lie to keep his heart than to say the truth and break it, right?

'don't lie to me, if you had payed attention then you would've known how to do this, it's alright though, botany isn't for everyone and i'm not going to scold you for it. i just wanted you to admit it yourself,' he said. his statement made you feel upset over lying to him like this, 'yeah you're right, i'm sorry,' you admitted, you started to fidget with your fingers, not even wanting to meet his gaze. 'it's alright, just don't lie to me again. we're club members and it'd be nice if we all were honest with one another,' he smiled, 'there! your dandelion pot is done now just remember to water it twice a day and....'

tighnari continued on and explained to you how to properly take care of your plant and this time, you attentively listened to what he was saying. he was so nice and understanding; you could honestly feel yourself falling slowly in love with him...

a/n: i still don't know what one is suppose to do in a botany club

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