Chapter 4: Diplomazia d'Italia

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Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

Sitting in one of the dinghies of the Cavour, Antonio Catalano eyed the approaching capital city as he held his suitcase filled with folders about Italy. Behind him were also various products handpicked by the ministry to give to Parpaldia as both gifts of friendliness and apology after being made aware that they occupied territory but it cannot exactly be helped.

On the docks, Antonio could see a well dressed man who stood beside an excited looking woman as behind them was a crowd that were trying to be pushed back by what he assumed to be guards. The dinghies then stopped at the nearest dock as once it was tied up, Antonio was assisted by his guards onto shore.

The well dressed man in front had a look of anticipation. Antonio waited for his assistant Ricci, who wore the same suit as him and the guards to disembark before he then had a smile plastered on his face as he approached the pair. "Ahem, hello there. My name is Antonio Catalano and this Mario Ricci. We're diplomats for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the nation of Italy. I do apologise for our sudden arrival. We would have sent a message in advance of our visit." He said as his friendliness was reminiscent of a young college student while Ricci beside him was more on the reserved type it seemed.

Kaios cleared his throat as he regained his composure as so did Raita beside him. "Greetings to you, sir. My name is Director Kaios of the Third Foreign Affairs Department. We the Parpaldian Empire welcome you to the imperial capital of Esthirant." He said as he and Raita bowed.

Antonio smiled as he spoke. "Thank you for the welcome, Director Kaios. As you may know, I'm here for official diplomatic business on behalf of the Italian Republic." He said as he brushed his hand through his hair.

"In that case, our office for such affairs is a walk away. Shall we?" Kaios asked.

Antonio nodded. "Let's go." He said. With that Kaios and Raita started to walk back to the Third Foreign Affairs building. His Italian counterpart then had a question about his department. "So you come from the Third Foreign Affairs Department. Then that must mean there is a First and Second one yes?"

Kaios nodded. "Oh yes there is. Not to worry, I will explain once we get to my office." He said as Antonio nodded. On the way, Antonio along with his assistant Ricci looked around Esthirant in curiosity. However, unlike the wonder or amazement he'd see from other diplomats in lesser nations, Antonio and Ricci simply observed as if they were simply in some sort of museum, taking in the sights in more of a studying way and not in wonder. Kaios could only theorise why Antonio and Ricci didn't seem too impressed by Esthirant as they only had a little smile while they observed the scenery.

As Kaios walked, his curiosity got the best of him as he looked to Antonio. "Ambassador Catalano, I must ask... The mountains northeast of our capital, is that the extent of your country?"

Antonio looked to Kaios before he shook his head. "Ah, no. That's only part of the most northern regions of our nation. We refer to the mountains as the Alps. It was actually a way bigger mountain range shared among our neighbours. However when Italy arrived to this... world, it only brought the mountains just a bit outside of our borders."

"I see.... We only have a few mountain ranges that can reach the same heights as these Alps mountains but there would barely be any villages within the valleys." Kaios said as he rubbed his chin.

"Alpine villages are rather popular tourist destinations. They accommodate those who wish to visit our mountains." Antonio explained.

"Who would wish to visit mountains? I digress that they are beautiful sights, but survivability is hard by itself."

"Well thanks to our infrastructure we can deliver food in any corner of the country. Because of that even the most remote villages get a steady supply of food." Antonio explained.

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