Chapter 23: A Moment of Calm

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For a moment, the scene only had the sounds of the birds and insects that resonated around the four figures.

Tommaso didn't know what to say. He was terrible with kids. Just one hold of a baby would be enough to make them cry. Dante being the more extroverted of the two then smiled as he spoke, "Hey there, kids. Um... what happened to you? What are your names?"

The older elf looked to his sister before he gulped and spoke, "My name is Parun sir... T-this is my sister, Asha..."

Asha cowered behind his older brother. He eyed Tommaso especially nervously. Of course the girl was nervous with him, why wouldn't any kid be? Tommaso could only grumble mentally.

Dante then smiled, "My name's Dante, and this is Tommaso. Um... Did you hear us crashing? Was that why you guys are here?"

Parun nodded, "Y-yes sir. We were harvesting apples until we heard the noise... And then we saw you two..."

"Apples huh? That sounds really good," Dante said with a smile before Tommaso rolled his eyes. "Sorry for the intrusion... we were fighting the enemy before we crashed here."

"I told you to eat more before we were deployed but no apparently a cup of coffee is still enough for you, huh?" Tommaso said with a sarcastic smirk as he crossed his arms.

"Shut up," Dante said quickly to Tommaso before he looked back to the two elf kids, "Do you guys live around here? We could really use a little help... Where are we exactly?"

Parun then smiled a bit. These two didn't seem like bad guys at all, "You're in the Lean Nou forest, sir. Umm if you want you can come with us? We have a lotta apples to share."

Dante was about to speak before Tommaso chimed in, "Yeah this guy needs some feeding. He's starving like a pig y'know?"

"Dude come on," Dante said with a grumble however Parun simply smiled.

"Come on!" Parun said as soon he then held Asha's hand and started to head the way they came.

Dante and Tommaso soon followed. Once more, the gunner spoke, "Don't you think this could be like that one thing in the movies where we're lured somewhere and eaten?"

"Oh come on Tommaso they're just kids," Dante said as he rolled his eyes.

"Sure... but what if that's what they want you to think?" Tommaso said again with a little grin before Dante looked back.

"Yeah well I really want that apple so I think I'll take my chances," he said as he continued on following.

The walk wasn't too far, just five minutes away. Enough to hear if their transport was coming to run back. Soon they reached another opening as there was some sort of small hut with a little farm. From there the two kids picked up the baskets of apples they were bringing back as they approached the small cabin.

Dante whistled, "Straight out of a book," he said at the cozy looking sight as Tommaso rolled his eyes.

"We're literally in a world of elves and dragons, the hell we are in a book," Tommaso said with a grumble as he then eyed a strange-looking mound to the side.

Dante decided to ignore Tommaso's sarcasm as he looked to Parun, "So you kids live around here? Where are your parents?"

Parun and Asha smiled for a bit until the question was asked. Asha had a more sad look as she gently sets the apples on the ground. Parun did the same as he fumbled with his hands, "W-well no... when um... Louria invaded w-we ran away into the forest... mom is... dead.... Pops is a soldier b-but we haven't heard from him..."

Dante blinked before he frowned softly. Soon he kneeled on the ground as he gently grabbed the two's shoulders, "You guys are very smart and brave for saving yourselves. Even braver than me, and I was the one who was fighting the Lourians," he said with a smile as the two elves did the same at that.

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