Chapter 25: Donori, Peace at Last

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(Part Two)

Castle Hark

As the streets of the city were filled with chaos from the retreating Lourian conscripts, the sounds of a whirring NH90 above was barely a distraction for the hastily-trained men.

The helicopter circled around the vicinity of the castle as they could spot guards on the ground, "We can confirm multiple enemy forces by the castle doors. Engaging with suppressing fire," one special forces soldier said. The door of the helicopter slid open and with an aim of the door gun, he opened fired.

The guards below succumbed to the bullets of the on-board machine gun as their armours were no match. The front of the castle was filled with corpses and with that, another spoke, "Infiltration point is clear, make the drop, go go!"

Soon the ropes were dropped and one by one, soldiers from the NH90 grappled down to the courtyard of the castle.


Rand stood quietly and patiently at the Grand Pillared Room of the castle. Even through the thick stone of the castle, he could hear gunshots from outside. The same sounds he heard while he watched what happened on the battlefield. He quietly drank a cup of wine in his hand as he knew it could be his last. With the immense power of Italy, he reckoned he could use his wits.

Rand then perked up as he could see two maids panicking on what to do. With a whistle, he called out, "Hey, you two, come here,"

The two maids looked back to see Rand. With his reputation, they did not dare go against his orders as once they went to him, one spoke, "Y-yes sir?"

Rand then placed his hands on the maids' shoulders, "I will be giving you the order of the lifetime... So you better listen carefully,"


"Castle gardens, clear!"

"Entrance room, clear!"

"Grand dining room, clear!"

As more special forces got into the castle, every corner was checked, and every stone turned over. One squad reached a drawing room within the castle while the Royal Guards who attempted to ambush them were shredded to pieces from their bullets as one soldier spoke, "Drawing room, clear!"

"Alright let's head upstairs. Up there should be the throne room," Corporal Giorgio said as they started to rush up the grand staircase. With their rifles still aimed at any potential threat, they suddenly stopped to see two women. They both stood shakily, both with tears in their eyes.

"We have civilians in the castle. Stay cautious," Giorgio advised before he called out, "Come on now, we won't hurt you."

A maid tried stepping forward only to stop as she tensed up. A slow clapping sound resonated through the halls as Rand stepped forward.

The corporal eyed him intently. He kept his rifle aimed now once more as Rand stood behind the two maids, his hands on their shoulders.

"Finally," Rand began, "you must be the nation of Italy that has given us so much trouble."

Giorgio barked his orders, "We got no time for your villain monologue bullcrap, where is the king!?" he demanded as he kept his gun aimed at Rand's forehead.

"That is a question I will not answer. But I do have a question for you, sir," Rand said as he then held the maids close together who both whimpered while he smirked, "You kept your sights on our military and not the people. You did not take advantage of any women on the field. You must be... chivalrous."

"I am not asking again! Is the king behind that door!?" The corporal demanded once more.

Suddenly Rand raised two knives as he kept them against the necks of the maid. With a smirk, he spoke, "I am not answering that, sir. Try one move, and the gods will take these two ladies souls."

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