𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕: training forms and creates

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Your perspective:

"Just because something is right in front of you does not mean. . it is within reach. There is always something in the way. Sometime it is your opponent."- Pogo, our trainer and guardian explained as he looked at the young- adults in front of him.

Jayme and Ben stepped forward, onto the mat there was in front of us. "Sometimes it is yourself." They bowed and instantly began to throw punches at each another.

"Go Jayme!"

Ben spawned a tentacle and aimed for Jayme straight away. My sister dodged just in time as she stumbled a few feet back. This allowed Ben to  forcefully grab and chokehold her.

"You're gonna tap out or pass out. It's your choice. ." , Number Two snickered with a slick smirk crossing his lips.

"Come on Ben, that's not cool." , I protested whilst raising my hands to motion on with them.

"Hey, It's your life."- Ben joked as he pressed Number Six closer to his chest.

"Ben, that's enough! Let her go!"- Sloane interrupted Ben's sinister laughter.

"Jayme. Jayme, come on. Just tap out."- I tempted.

"I'm afraid there's no tapping out in the real world, children."- our father interrupted with a growl that made all our heads turn to the guardian in front of us. Jayme's bones snapped as she wailed in sorrow and painfully twitched in Number Two's hold.

"Just tap out!"- I repeated again— this time louder than before.

"That's enough!"

"No!", Reginald protested with a stern expression.

"Jayme will let us know when she's had enough."

Jayme gasped and struggled at the strength Ben held her with. My eyes followed their movements in awe as I saw Jayme reaching for something in front of her. Her hands grabbed a broken piece of glass as she urgently slashed it into Ben's tentacle. I let out a slight gasp at her sudden action- that made not just me stumble back, but Sloane and Fei also. Ben fell back at the force Jayme had stabbed him with.

ME AND THE DEVIL, F. HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now