First Dates (6)

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The week was over, we got a two day break from training. Me, Phenix and Bradly were heading to the tarmac to catch a plane back to the mainland and stay in the hotel again. Phenix was staying in the same hotel as me and decided her and Bradly were going to switch rooms so he would have his own and we could share. I thought that was a great idea, our rooms are on the same floor so we didn't have to worry about not seeing each other. Me and my brother were just getting into a plane when I heard someone calling my name, 
"Hawke! Hawke!" 
I turn and Bob was a mess of panting and sweat, looking like he just ran a marathon to the plane. 
"What's up Bobert?"
Bradly, Phenix and Bob all gave ma funny look, "What!?" I ask. 
Bradly shakes his head and continues into the plane along with Phenix. 
"Do you wanna go to Penny's tomorrow night?" 
"Sure, I'd love to Bob!" 
"Does 7 work?" 
"Yeah, I think 7 will work, I'll see you there." 

Bob beams and I get back into the plane with the others. Nat gives me an elbow in the backseat and Bradly gives me a look from the front seat, shit, I hate telling him about boys. 


"I still can't believe you're going out with Floyd." Bradly said from my bed. 
"I can, Bob's a sweetie." Phenix adds from her bed. 
"But still it's Bob." Bradly adds in a strange tone. 
"Well I like him," I say popping my head out of the bathroom door. 
"Alright, Alright, lets see ya, kid." Bradly calls.

I Step out of the bathroom and out to the foot of the bed, I was in ripped jeans, a space themed Hawaiian shirt, white converses, a high pony-tail and light makeup. 
"You look so cute!" Phenix shrieks. 
"Not bad sis." Bradly adds. 
"Thank you and thank you, now Bradly get out I have to go." 
"Alright, see you later Nat, and good luck, I want to hear about it after sis," he gives me a hug and smiles as he follows me out of the hotel room. 


I walk into the bar, the usual cheers erupted from the patrons, I head over to see Penny. 
"Hi Penny!" I smile sitting down. 
"Well hi little Bradshaw!" 
"Bob come in yet?"
"Yep he is over in the corner there waiting for ya." 

Sure enough there was Bob sitting by the pool tables. He had two beers by him and a cup of nuts. I went over to him, he stands up and smiles excitedly, 
"Hi!" he exclaims. 
"Hi Bob, how are you?" 
"Can I give you a hug?" he asks me shyly.
"Of course!" 
He pulls me in for a quick hug, "I am great!" 
"Glad to hear it!"
"I got you a beer." he points to the two bottles on the table top. 
"Thank you."
"I got a cup of nuts too, I didn't know if you'd want anything to eat, also I don't know what kind of nuts you like so its a mix, I'm sorry if you're allergic I didn't know and I would never want to make you si-"
"Bob!" I interrupt him
"It's okay, thank you for the beer and the nuts, I am not allergic to nuts." I smile and I pop an almond in my mouth. 
"Oh. Okay." 

It was so cute, he was so nervous and shy, he was trying so hard for everything to be perfect and I took it as a complement. He got flushed and rambled, it was so cute. 

"Did you want anything to eat?" he asks me.
"Just some fries would be nice."
"I'll go and get you some then!" 
He abruptly stands up and goes over to Penny, I just smile. When he comes back he sits down and takes a sip of his beer. 
"Nervous for the mission?" he asks.
"More for my brother and Mav's interactions," I laugh.
"Yeah, they seem to have a history."
"They do." 
"Can I ask what?"
"Promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Of course," Bob says with a serious expression.
"My dad, was Mav's RIO in the 80s."
"And he died in the plane Maverick was flying."
"Oh my gosh. Hailey I am so sorry." 
"Yeah, my dad died two weeks before my mom knew she was pregnant with me, I never got to meet him. Bradly was four when he died and he still takes it hard."
"If you don't mind me asking, where's your mom?"
"She got sick about four years ago, breast cancer. She died six months after diagnosis, it was stage four," I look down. 
"Awe Hailey I am so sorry," he places a hand on my shoulder. 
"My middle name is Nichole," I choke out.
Bob gives me a funny look.
"My dads name was Nicholas. Nichole, Nicholas." 
"That's beautiful." 
"I miss him a lot." 
"I bet, I miss my dad too."
"Did you lose your dad?"
"Yeah I did."
"I'm sorry Bob."
"Nothing you can do. It was a bad situation and that was the best ending."
"Car accident. Drunk driver t-boned him on his side. He broke 13 bones and had a major brain injury."
"Yeah, I was 20. Just got through the Naval academy."
"I'm so sorry Bob."
"Ah it's okay, nothing you can do and it was a long time ago. I still have my mom and my two sisters, so life is okay." 
"That's good." 

Penny comes and sets the fries down on the table between us, "You two look way too sad for a date." 
I wipe my eyes and smile, "She's right Bob lets brighten things up! Fave movie, go!"
"Oooo, um Frozen," he nods in agreement with himself.
I laugh, "Disney I should have guessed."
He laughs too, "What's that supposed to mean."
"Just fits, that's all."
"Alright what's your fave movie then," he quotes my words.
"The Mighty Ducks, or St Elmos Fire." 

We eat the fries and chat for about three and a half hours. Bob gives me a ride since it is dark and a bit of a walk back to my hotel. We pull up in front of the large double doors. 
"I had a really good time tonight."
He smiles, "Me too." 
I give him a quick peck on the cheek and I get out of the car, "See you Bobert." 
"Bye," his cheeks flush red. 

Authors Note!
Hey guys! I hope you liked that chapter! It was kind of fun getting into Bob's character and making up a back story for him! I wanted common ground between him and Hawke! 

Lots of love, Stay safe! <3 :)

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