Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while been really busy with school... Follow @gurlynutella I'll posting there soon..


Kendall's P.O.V

As I was driving , Lily kept checking her phone probably expecting David to text her. She probably likes David more than me. Why can't she see how much I love her.

Lily had a weird expression on her face . That's when I became concerned.

"Whar's wrong , Lily? David sending out order texts to you?" - I asked anxiously.

"Look for yourself."- she replied showing me her phone.

Let's just say their were some pretty horrible stuff from this person named D. I swear when I see this person I'm gonna-

"Kendall!!! It's not him! I know for sure.. David has better grammar than that." - Lily said interrupting my thoughts.

For once in my life I didn't believe her.

When I get my hands on that douche-

Lily could tell I didn't believe her.

"FINE! I'll prove it to you! I'll ask David. You stay here."- Lily said angrily as she shut the car door.

"But wait-"

"Leave me alone, Kendall."

Mentally I felt like I got hit in the head with bricks.

Why didn't I give her room in the beginning? I knew she was suffering, trying to make her decision about David, and there I was standing in the way wanting to be her boyfriend.

But most of all, why wasn't I going with Lily to support her as she confronted David before she got hurt.

I want to be her boyfriend and protect her from harm and for her to love me but now she hates me.

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