Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted ! I've been busy with school! Thanks for all the love going around! I love you!


Kendall's P.O.V

I felt bad for not calling Lily in a long time. I felt bad for running away from her that day. It was just that I had feelings for Lucy. Even she wasn't in my life fo a while, when I saw her , I couldn't help but run back to her.

But another part of my heart was with Lily. She was so kind and sweet and she didn't deserve the treatment David was giving her.

I decided that I would try to make up for running away from her that day.

I then called her to see if I could come over and she said yes.

Lily's P.OV.

I was still thinking about Kendall when he called to ask me I he could come over . I was overjoyed!! We need to talk.

He arrived at my house a couple minutes after he called.

"Hey Lily. Sorry about abandoning you at the beach.." - he said sympathetically. I then bombarded him with questions about that mystery girl on the beach. Apparently her name is Lucy , his past love. After that , he asked me what David had done to me (he had seen my slash marks on my arm) . When I began explaining what had happened, he began to look at me and smirk. Then he cut me off by kissing me. It was warm, tender kiss unlike David's. All of his were forced love. I don't think I actually ever loved David.

When Kendall had pulled back, I wanted more so I pulled him again for another long kiss. It was like having my first kiss all over again.

"Does this mean your going to break up with David and you'll be my gf?" -he said after we had pulled back again once more.

I didn't know when I blurted out yes.

I had just about to fall asleep when the most unexpected thing happened.

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