Chapter 4

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Sorry guys for not being on here that much! 53 reads and 6 votes ? Thanks so much you guys for reading! Continue to vote if you want the fanfic to continue! And remember to comment !!


Kendall looked concerned as I opened the door. "Lily, I have a feeling this has to do with David... What did he do to you." - he said. I looked over at David who was sleeping on the couch. David wasn't a heavy sleeper and could wake up any minute. "We can't talk here, Kendall. " - I whispered , motioning to David.

He nodded and we decided to go to the abandoned coffee shop down the corner as we had for years. It was our retreat . Where we could say anything. We never let anyone know about it, even David.

When we got there, he couldn't hold it any longer. "What's wrong Lily? What did David do to you ? Did he abuse you? Please tell me." - Kendall blurted out.

I then explained the situation and how I caught David cheating on me with Sarah.

" You deserve better, Lily. You don't need a douchebag like him. Why won't you listen to me and break up with him. He's done other terrible things in the past." - Kendall said after I had finished explaining my situation. I knew how much he had hurt me but for some reason I just couldn't let him go.

"What if he gets mad Kendall. You know that his temper is hard to control. " - I said .

"So what, he doesn't own you, Lily."

Kendall was right . He doesn't own me . But why did I want David? But still, he can't just tell me to break up with David. It isn't his problem it's mine. Anyway, he hated David from the beginning. I couldn't take anymore of this pressure . I then felt myself running. Running home.

"Lily? Lily? I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Please come back." - I heard him call out behind me.

But I kept running. Until I came home. When I opened the front door, David had woke up, watching a football game.

"Hey Lily! You're back! I'm sorry ok about the situation. Please don't break up with me . I love you." I heard him say as I locked the door of my room. I couldn't take anymore pressure from David. He kept pleading and pounding on the door of my room. I didn't want to answer. A couple hours later, after the pounding and pleading had stop , and I was reading a magazine , someone slipped a note under the door. I looked at the note.

It said " I love you so much , Lily. Be my girl." in elegant letters.

It couldn't be David's handwriting, he writes sloppy. It could only be .... Kendall's.

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