Chapter 5

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Ok so I've decided that I'll set a goal every time I post a chapter. The target for this on is 5 votes an at least 6 reads for me to continue. Sorry about the long wait. I might post 2 chapters today if your lucky.


I picked up the note. I thought of Kendall had told me. How David doesn't own me. But I just thought of him as a friend. Not as a boyfriend.

That was when I decided to come out of my room. I sat in the living room going to watch a movie. The movie was about to start when David came over and sat next to me. I was pondering the thought of breaking up with him when he spoke.

"Lil, I hope your still not mad at me. I love you know." - David said, putting his arm around me. I still was a little mad but when he brushed his lips on my neck and felt his cold breath on me, It felt nice .

My friends had started to leave me once they heard the rumors about David and he was a manwhore . Julia, my best friend started telling me how I should leave David. I didn't listen. I loved him to much. I started to see why people hated David so much. He always cheated on me with Sarah. That bitch.

When the movie was over he got up quickly and looked at the time. "Aww sh*t ! I'm late for work. I gotta go Lil! " - David as he got up to get dressed.

"Will you be fine without me. Do you have work." - David said when he was dressed. Since I was the head of the marketing department at work , I could work from home whenever I want.

"No, I'm working from home today. See you David!" - I said. He then gave me a kiss and left.

After David had left, I didn't know what I wanted to do.

I looked at my phone and checked my texts. None. I then texted Kendall.

"Sure . I'll come over if your free." - he replied a couple minutes after I had texted him.

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