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The Sunroof let in a blaze of cool air as Savannah and Jennifer drove down the streets of Oakland. October finally hit and the fall season was readily creeping in. The besties were almost back to normal now with the occasionally pitiful look from Savannah. Their conversation of the night consisted of everything Jennifer missed since she was gone.

"Girl, what?! You had sex?" Her eyes bulge from her head and Savannah laughs. Jennifer controls the wheel while in shock.

Sav just nods. "It was really magical, Jen. And he really was a gentleman after. He showered me and everything even though i almost passed out multiple times." Savannah giggles.

Jennifer's mouth remained hung. "Ouuuu you got dicked down! Did you do those tricks I taught you?" The ecstatic girl briefly looks at the cheesing friend in the passenger.

Savannah cutely nods.

On the other side of town where drugs were cherished more than family, Jungkook held a stank face to the man beside him. Sanchez. Now that he had to deal with the man for his own good, everything felt like a never ending chore.

Sanchez loved small talk. Jungkook loved silence. And Dune loved to instigate apparently.

"So, Jungkook! How did you meet boss man? He never really tells me anything." The man smiles dimly. Jungkook shakes his head, refusing to answer until Dune cuts in.

"We met through a mutual friend down at the red office." Ah yes, the memories. Jungkook eyes him like a hawk before returning to the stack of information in front of him.

Files containing Hooper's whereabouts and recent purchases. As well as photographs of him going around town. Nothing suspicious at all. Jungkook was beginning to worry less.

Sanchez oh's and ah's. "Well! First time meet at the red office. You had it easy, tough shot." His hand goes to pat Jungkook's shoulder. He drops the close contact and shifts away in his seat all while hearing Dune snicker.

"Why? Is it some fucking privilege?" He was curious. Dune shrugs a little.

"It was my hideout spot before I became..."

Sanchez finished for him. "Who you are now. The respectable Dune of SullyGaze!" He says, almost with envy. Jungkook was curious about this so called hideout spot. He understood that Dune wasn't just born with the protection he has now. He had to earn it once his father handed the company to him. So before any of that, it was possible he had many enemies.

Now, they're either faceless or just a few portfolios in his drawer. Jungkook laughs to himself at the realization. One day he too wanted to be crazy powerful like that.

Back to business. "The deets on Hooper really ain't shit. I'm starting to feel like this is a lost case. And you know we got other things to worry about like getting my men straight. I know we set that shit up already but I want to do some check ins to make sure everything is aight with em." Jungkook says matter of factly.

Watching Dune stand up straight from leaning onto the wall and walking around the table separating them, he nods. "Sure, we can do that. Sanchez, I'll put you on the case instead. That'll be on you now. Jungkook wants to focus on his men, we'll focus on his men." Dune smiles towards the younger. Jungkook merely grins back, appreciative.

And now, the odor leaves just as Sanchez exits as well. Dune sits comfortably into his office chair.

"So far everyone is doing great in school. I'll start sending you their transcripts next week when the 1st quarter ends. And we can go from there. Tutta especially is doing great. He's listening now. Going straight home and staying off the streets."

"Wonderful...how's Savannah?" Dune nonchalantly asks.

Jungkook kisses his teeth. A blank stare from his eyes. Why the sudden change in conversation? Reading Dune for an answer wasn't an option. Jungkook opens his mouth. "What the fuck my girl gotta do with anything?" He asks almost aggressively.

"I'm just wondering. You haven't said anything about her in awhile."

His eyes roll. "We're good. She's good. Can we get back on topic?" Jungkook appreciated a friend like this worried about his personal life. It meant he cared beyond the hassle. For now though, he'd rather speak about business endeavors for the future.

"Does she know about me-"


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