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Savannah was eerily silent as she dressed for the new day. It was decided Khalan would be staying elsewhere until the family felt safe again. And it made sense. Attacking your own father because he yelled at you was unacceptable.

She was grateful for Jungkook, as always. Today she would be hanging with him and the boys she called her brothers. That's how the summer went, pretty much.

Jungkook waited patiently in the car. Eventually watching the shaken up girl walk down the steps. He quickly shot out of the car to open the passenger door.

Savannah weakly smiles up at him. "Hey."

Jungkook took her into his arms and felt the warmth fill his body. It was like a drug. Being in her presence was enough for him to start his day and end it. She sighed into his chest, rubbing her nose against him.

"Everything will be fine, baby." He whispers into her ear before guiding her into the car.

The ride to Jimin's house was silent. Since he lived alone there wasn't many other convenient spots for the group to hangout.

They arrived within a short amount of time. Jungkook hadn't told the boys what had happened because he didn't feel the need to. If Savannah was comfortable enough, she'd let word spill out.

But as of right now, they sat in the living room doing absolutely nothing to pass time. Just enjoying each other's company.

Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook, and Savannah all sat on the same couch. Rolling up spliffs was Namjoon and Jimin. Jungkook no longer smoked. He stopped a long time ago. It was the same day Savannah begged him to quit, that he did.

Ultimately, she was his muse, his reason for living honestly. She brought him so much abundance without even realizing it.

Savannah couldn't help but take in all of the negativity fuming around her. Jungkook didn't beat a blind eye.

"Stop stressing bout it, baby. Everything will go back to normal. Soon." He reassures.

They sat close to each other so he took the opportunity to wrap an arm around her shoulders.

"You not hungry? I can make you something." The change of subject let her know he was only trying to soothe her. And feed her of course.

"I don't really have an appetite." Her eyes never left the ground.

Sure that was pretty self explanatory but she couldn't go all day without eating. Savannah needed to eat and Jungkook would make sure she did.

Using his index finger and thumb, Jungkook lift her chin so she was staring at him. "You gotta eat, sweetheart."

She nods indefensibly.

By the time Savannah's small meal of eggs and pancakes was plated, stress began exiting from the atmosphere. Jungkook leaned against the counter with his elbows propping him.

Watching her eat tiny bites of the food frustrated him a bit but at least she was eating.

"How is it?" The boy spoke, gaining her attention. His face mainly knitted with worry.

Her eyes widen like a curious cat. "It's really nice, thank you."

"Don't thank me, baby. I'm just making sure you straight." He frowns.

Savannah scrapes her fork across the plate but eventually she does finish the food. Sighing big and preparing herself to join the other two again. It was weird, they hadn't noticed her depressed nature. Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was their own egos.

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