Chapter 2: Amity

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Authors note: So in this Au, i forgot to mention this, but everyone is human, Burn is still alive and is the queen (yes i know, dont hate me). And the dragonets of destiny are all killed. (Sad I know, but I wanted to kind of change it up a bit.) Also, if you don't know what Wings of Fire is, then why are you reading this? Oh and also, Thorn is also dead, but Qibli is under Burn's command. And yes, Ed and Em and also Amelia are in here, so is Lucía. And Wionna. And the Blights can understand dragons. Luz and the other scavengers cannot, besides a few words. So yeah, if you have any questions, ask away. Hope you like this chapter!


"Mother," Amity said, walking up to her mother, Odalia Blight, with her jewelry. "Yes, mittens?" Odalia sighed, annoyed. "I have some important matters to discuss with Queen Burn." Amity shuddered at the sound of Burn's name. When Amity was younger, Burn threatened her to do so many things that Burn wanted that Amity didn't. And Odalia just stood by and let the dragon do that to Amity.

Amity hated her mother, and Burn. She'd wish sometimes that she could be either a dragon, free and alive, and away from Burn, or even be a lowly Scavenger. "Amity," A deep voice rumbled out, but it was feminine too. Amity reconized it right away.

Queen Burn.

"Amity, what are you doing here, disturbing your mother?" The large dragon asked, folding in her wings and swishing her tail back and forth. Amity gulped as she saw the scars on the Sand Dragons face, and the large armor on her chest. "I wanted to ask you something, Queen Burn.." Amity said, terrified of the dragon in front of her.

Burn smiled at the fact that she was the new Queen, not Blister, or even Blaze. As soon as Burn became queen, she killed Blister, but Blaze got away from her, and now, Burn won't rest until she kills Blaze. Amity knew where Blaze was, but never told Burn or Odalia, because Blaze was Amity's friend, and friends do NOT let their Queen kill their friends. Right?

"What did you need to ask, Minty?" Burn snorted, sending a puff of dust in the air. "I wanted to ask you... um.. if I could take Jolt out on a flight?" Amity stammered. Out in the curtains, she saw a light sand-colored dragon come out, with a scar on their snout. 'Qibli!' The minty-haired girl thought, smiling softly. "Heh, fine. But do not go out of the Kingdom of Sand." Burn growled, walking away without waiting for Amity to answer.

Moving out of the way, Qibli walked towards the youngest Blight, with another human on his back. "Hey sis," The girl jumped off, her light green hair bouncing, and her necklace hitting her face. "Ow.." She murmured quietly, hoping Amity didn't hear, but she did.

"Hey Amelia, hey Qibli." Amity said, waving. "So, we heard that you were taking Jolt for a flight?" Amelia asked, while Qibli was fixing his earring so that it wouldn't fall. Amity just nodded. "Yeah, I am." She whispered very very softly, so that the guards, her mother, or Burn wouldn't hear, even though she wasn't in the same room.

"I was gonna go to the Ice Kingdom to visit Blaze," Amity had trusted Amelia and Qibli to keep the secret that she was meeting Blaze in private, to see how she and Queen Glacier had been doing, or just news. Amelia nodded and gave a thumbs up, while Qibli just smiled and noddrf also.

"You best be quick. If I know Burn, she'll be taking a nap for about 3-7 hours." Qibli explained, whispering. Amity nodded and ran towards her room, where she saw a big, blue-colored dragon, with IceWing spikes and tail, while having a barbed tail in the middle of the spikes. The dragon was breathing evenly, meaning they were asleep. "Jolt, Jolt wake up," Amity said, trying to shake the big dragon awake.

Nothing happened.

Amity thought for a moment, then grabbed a bat out of her closet and hit Jolt upside the head. The dragon shook their head and yawned, clawing the ground somewhat like a cat.

"Jolt, wake up, we have to go see Blaze!" Jolt perked their head up at the spund of Blaze's name. "Amity? Are we seeing Blaze?" The blue colored hybrid wagged their tail sort of like a dog. Amity nodded, confused of why the big dragon was acting silly.

Jolt cleared their throat, folding their wings. They then turned around. "Well, let's get going. Burn's not gonna sleep forever, right?" Amity giggled quietly, then climbed on Jolt's back. They opened their wings and flew out the window, causing a breeze to go by.

When Jolt and Amity passed over the sand dunes, they saw two dragons fly by, blood spilling out from the tip of their tails. 'What? What's with their tails?' Amity thought. She tapped Jolts neck softly and the dragon nodded.

On the ground, they saw 5 small people. "Humans! Outside of the fortress!" Amity said out loud, but only that Jolt could hear. "Is that a good thing?" Jolt asked, their ear flicking. "Well, I've heard about outside people called 'Scavengers'. Maybe they're Scavengers." Amity explained.

Jolt tried to stop, but couldn't, so the two of them crashed into one of the sand dunes. "Ugh my head." Amity groaned. "Shh, shh.." Jolt whispered, pulling Amity closer with their tail. "Look." The Scavengers tried to fight off the big dragon. "Wait, that's Voodoo." Amity gasped. "We need to help them!" Jolt sighed. "We'll try.."

"Luz Noceda-Clawthorne," Voodoo growled, getting closer to one of the humans. "You are coming with me." "Wait!" Amity called out. Jolt's eyes widened, their tail flicking in surprised.

Voodoo turned his head around, puffing out clouds of smoke out of his nostrils, and his eyes full of anger. "Voodoo, what are you doing?" The minty-haired girl asked. The larger dragon stomped over to Amity, who gulped. Hard. "I am just following Queen Burn's orders, Minty." Amity growled at that name. Voodoo did a small smirk, then flicked his tail towards the Scavengers, who were shaking with fear.

Amity turned to look at them for a quick moment, then turned back to look at Voodoo. "Well," Amity started. "As princess, I order you to stop." "I don't take orders from pests like you, princess or not." "Hey!" One of the Scavengers yelled out, the brown haired one. "Leave her alone! It's us you want!" Amitys eyes widened in surprise of the Scavengers bravery, and maybe also stupidity.

"Kid, we need to go," The older woman said, pushing the brown-haired one back, but she refused. 'Bold, but she's stupid to go up against Voodoo!' Amity thought, blushing very very faintly, but didn't notice. "Luz Noceda-Clawthorne, ¡vamos ahora! ¡Ella puede lidiar con el dragón!" The other woman yelled out.

(Luz Noceda-Clawthorne, let's go now! She can deal with the dragon!)

Luz growled, fists clenching, then ran up to the dragon's tail. "Luz!" The second woman gasped. Voodoo growled, threw Luz off of his tail, then grabbed both Amity and the woman, and flew away. He then looked at Jolt, who was frozen in fear. "Let's go, you hybrid!" Voodoo growled out loud.

Luz just sat there, full of sadness and fear.


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