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"He wants to date."

"And what's wrong with that?"

Did he not listen to anything I just said? 

I give him a 'are you dumb' look. 

"Seriously? You're just like my roommate. Why would I date him if I don't like him?" 

Do people seriously date anyone even if they don't like them? What a waste of time. 

"You have a point there. But it wouldn't hurt going on one or two dates with the guy. Who knows maybe you'll end up catching feelings after all?" He reasons. 

"Since I know I won't ever feel that way about him, wouldn't it be leading him on? Moreover, it'd be a waste of my time." I hmph. 

"You don't get to decide whom your heart falls for Alex," He smiles sadly. 

My expression softens when I notice the hurt lying underneath his words. 

"Let's talk about something else, okay? We clearly have different views on love and I don't want to offend you. I mean gotta leave a good first impression yeah?" I joke to lighten the mood. 

He chuckles. 

"So do you think you'd be able to survive in the hunger games?" I ask. 

"Of course, who do you take me for?"

"A little too confident, are we now?" I chuckle. 

"What about you?"

"I bet I'd win the entire game." I crack my knuckles. 

"Now who's too confident." He chuckles. 

"I'll have you know I'm pretty good at boxing,"

"Really? Well, we'll have to spar sometimes then." He smiles. 

"You box too?" I ask, surprised. 

"Been 4 years."

"It doesn't look like you box though," I joke. 

He looks down at his biceps and then shrugs. Not that I'd ever say this out loud but he’s definitely well built.

"So shall we continue our marathon?" 

"Definitely," I grin and select the next movie. 

“I guess dating someone half your age doesn’t interfere with her stupid traditions.”

River raises his eyebrow and I point in the old lady’s direction, where a guy much younger than her is helping her load her luggage into the car.

What was her name again?

Darla? Daisy?

Oh who the fuck cares, I give up.

“He could be her grandson?” River guesses.

“There is no way you’d hug your grandson like that.”

“Alex c’mon, we don’t know her at all.” River comments.

I smirk and turn towards River when I see them kiss.

“Okay okay, you’re always right. Now can we go before that scars me further?” he shudders.

“Yeah let’s go.”

“So how long are you here for?” he asks.

“A week at most, I think I’d probably lose my mind if I stay any longer. What about you?”

“I have a month off, but I’d gladly go back to work right now,” he sighs.

“Are you going to try to patch things up with your girlfriend?” I ask.

“I’m not sure yet. I think I need a couple of days to process it first.” 

I nod in understanding then notice a dude holding a board with my name written on it.

Ugh, I can’t with my parents.

“I guess that’s me then.”

I suddenly don’t feel like going. I mean I didn’t before but now I really don’t want to.

Will I be taunted for the rest of my life if I just bail from here and catch the next trip back?

Indeed I will.

I have too much pride to actually do that so let’s suck up any uncertainty and do this!

I hate my life.

“Okay so see you I guess?” I awkwardly say to River.

He chuckles.

“See ya pen girl, maybe we’ll meet on another flight.” He waves.

“So fatalistic,” I chuckle and get into the car.

Now comes the most dreaded part. My Parents.

Wish me luck.


Hey, how have you all been?

Can't say my life is the best right now so I hope yours is better.

Hope you like the book so far, let me know if you have any questions.

Take care.


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