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“Gardening or Swimming?” River asks.

“That’s an odd comparison of hobbies.”

“I’m aware but that’s the first thing that came to mind,” he shrugs.

“I suck at taking care of plants so I’d have to go with swimming, what about you?”

Also, who doesn’t like swimming? It’s so fun and relaxing.

“I love gardening. I have a small garden in my balcony.”

People like these.

“I always forget to water my plants so I’ve resorted to fake plants to add the green in my apartment,” I explain.

Fake plants don’t take any work and don’t die on you—a win-win situation in my opinion.

“You should try the spider plant or zz plant since they require the least amount of care.”

I nod in understanding. Never heard of those plants in my entire life span.

“What’s your favorite drink?” I question. 

I think it’s iced coffee but maybe not.

“Iced coffee definitely, what’s yours?” he replies.

“Caramel Mocha,” I state.

He looks at me with a weirded-out expression.

“That is by far the sweetest drink I’ve ever tried,” he shudders.

“Well, I like caramel,” I shrug.

“Honestly didn’t peg you the type to like sweet drinks.”

“I actually get that a lot.”

People seem to think I drink Cold Brew. I hate cold brew or anything that reeks of the coffee scent.

“Okay, this is a very important question and will decide the future of our friendship,” he states seriously.

I look at him confused, “Go on.”

“Do you like pineapple on pizza?” he asks with the most serious expression on his face.


“No? Why does that sound like a question?”

“Because I’ve never tried pineapple on pizza,” I shrug.

I’m not generally fond of trying new food. 

He thinks for a moment and then turns to me.

“I guess that’s an acceptable answer. You’ve never tried it and should never even think about trying it either because it is an actual monstrosity,” he explains.

I nod my head, still confused over why this turned into such a serious discussion.

“Please fasten your seatbelts, the plane will be landing soon.”


“Glad to see that you’re not wearing a sour expression this time around,” River jokes.

“I’m in New York River, how could I be sad?” I chuckle.

I love New York. 

“So how long are you here for?”

“I think a week or 2 max,” I reply.

“I think I’m here for around 2 weeks as well.”

I know River, I know.

I feel like the evil character right now, plotting a scheme in my head to outsmart the main character.

“Well do you wanna meet up before we leave? Not coincidentally this time?” he rubs the back of his neck.

“Sure why not,” I smile.

“Well let’s exchange numbers then,” he suggests.

“Let’s not do that,” I state.

“What?” he chuckles.

“How are we gonna meet up then?”

“Let’s leave it up to fate, shall we?” I grin and start walking away.

“Alex seriously?” 

“C’mon fate made us sit next to each other twice on 2 different flights, it can make us meet up again.”

I feel evil. But how can I pass up the opportunity to see his shocked face when he comes for the shoot tomorrow? 

“Since when do you believe in fate? Also, there’s like 10 million people in New York, actually scratch that I don’t know the number, there are so many people in New York, how will we meet?” he asks confused.

I grin and get into a cab quickly, “I don’t believe in fate but you do. Trust your fate River.”

I wave and laugh at his confused pouting face as the cab drives away.


I supervise the set and look around for the best angles.

“Hold this right here,” I angle the reflector and hand it to one of the interns.

The shoot doesn't start for another 20 minutes but I like being early. Also, I couldn’t risk coming after River arrived.

Is this how villains feel when they plot a revenge scheme and wait for the main character to fall for it?

I grab my drink from the table and look around.



Hi hi, what do you think?

P. S. There's only 2 more parts left


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