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I jog towards River when his Manager tells us to take a short break.

He glances toward me and goes back to looking through his phone.

Is his phone more interesting than me now?

“Did you like the coffee?” I ask, leaning towards him.

I frown when I don’t get a reply.

“It’s from a tiny cafe nearby that sells really good macarons.”

Is he ignoring me right now?

“Are you still mad?”

“Fine how about I make it up to you?” I glance at him.

He finally tears his eyes away from his phone to look at me. “How?”

“Let’s go get dinner,” I suggest his idea from yesterday.

He seems to be pondering over the idea so it can’t be too bad.

“I’ll get the macarons too,” I add on.

“Done,” he replies instantly after hearing macarons.

I chuckle.

As I start to head back to check my equipment, I notice a tiny smile gracing his lips.


The second part of the shoot was much more entertaining compared to the first half.

River kept making funny faces at the camera to make me laugh when no one else was looking. Correction, when he thought no one else was looking.

A couple of the interns were definitely weirded out.

River was smiling much more naturally now and it was a breeze capturing all his good angles.

We finished the shoot much more quickly than anticipated.

As River heads to change, I begin packing up my stuff.

Footsteps slow down near me and I glance up to see River’s Manager. 

Did he see River goofing around as well?

“Wonderful shoot today Alex,” he comments with his heavy british accent.

“At first I was a little concerned because River seemed way too stiff compared to the usual shoots he does but by the second half, it was like he was enchanted!” he exclaims.

I chuckle at his words.

“I’ll send you the pictures by the end of this week Mr. Wright.”

“Sure, dear. I just wanted to know whether you’d be interested in working with us again. The River I saw today was unlike anything before and I think you’re the reason why. I’ve been the boy’s manager for a long time now and never has he been this comfortable with a photographer on the first shoot.”

I agree with his offer and bid him goodbye with the promise of working together again very soon.

I speed walk towards the door as I notice River waiting for me.

“All packed?” he asks.

“I hope so, I’d hate leaving any of my lenses behind.”

We walk out together, the constant street sound of New York ringing in our ears.

“Can we exchange numbers, or should I rely on fate again?” 

I chuckle and enter my number into his phone and let it ring once so that I have his.

“So what did my Manager tell you?”

“That he saw you goofing around the entire shoot and is seriously considering letting you go.” I lie with a straight face.

“I would have believed you, but I know for a fact that it’s not true,” he grins smugly.

“Yeah, how so?”

“I heard the makeup artist and a couple of the interns saying that the photos turned out great.”

“Busted,” I chuckle.

“So I should get going now,” he mutters and points in the opposite direction of where my hotel is.

I nod and smile.

“I’ll see you at dinner okay?” I ask as he starts to walk backward.

“Yup. See you Alex!” he waves and turns, heading towards his hotel.

I put my AirPods in as I start walking.

“Alex!” I hear a muffled shout.

Why couldn’t my parents give me a more uncommon name?

I ignore the sound and continue walking.

“Alex wait!” I hear it again, although much more clearly this time.

Seriously why isn’t this stupid Alex listening - wait that sounds like River, am I the stupid Alex?

I turn around to see River come up to a stop in front of me.

“Give me a minute,” he gestures as he attempts to catch his breath.

“You know for a model you really are unfit,” I tease.

“Well excuse me if I look tired, I just had a very tiring shoot.”

“Why did you run here though?” I ask, confused.

Did I drop my pen again?

“Alex?” he asks, standing up straighter.


“Can I kiss you?”

“You ran all the way here to ask me that?” 

“Um yeah?” he rubs the back of his neck, looking everywhere but at me.

“You’re adorable,” I chuckle and tiptoe slightly to give him a peck on the lips.

He smiles then grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer.

“You’re even more adorable Alex,” he states softly then gently places his lips on mine.

I wrap my hands around his neck and all the street noise that bothered me before vanishes.

It’s like we’re the only 2 people in New York.

Maybe having someone by your side isn’t so bad after all.

--la fin--

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