Oh yeah it's dueling time

92 3 5

(Third Person PoV)


Scar- 4000 LPs SC: 0


Sector Security #1- 4000 LPs SC: 0

"I'll go first!" The first Sector Security said and drew a card.

SC: 0 —> 1

SC: 0 —> 1

He looked at his hand and grinned.

"I summon Gate Blocker (AK:100, DF:2000) in defense mode! That'll prevent you from using Speed Counters and then I place two cards face down and end my turn!" The first Sector exclaimed.

"Speed Counters? Rally didn't mentioned this while explaining how to play the card game," Grian said, holding on to dear life.

"Don't worry! I got a plan. I draw!" Scar drew from his deck and looked at his hand.

SC: 1 —> 2

Ok not too bad. I could win this, he thought.

"I summon Naturia Pumpkin (ATK: 1400. DF: 800) in attack position. When normal summoned while you control a monster, I can special summon a Naturia monster from my hand. So then I choose to special summon Naturia Mosquito (ATK: 200. DF: 300) and after setting this card down, I end my turn" Scar explained.

"Really Scar!" Grian yelled.

"I can't do anything else! I don't have a strong enough monster in my deck to defeat Gate Blocker," Scar said.

"Heh. Fine by me, I draw!" The first Sector Security exclaimed.

SC: 2 —> 3

"I tribute my Gate Blocker to special summon Gate Blocker 2(ATK: 100, DF: 3000) I also summoned another Gate Blocker and I activate my trap card, Speed Edge! During my standby stage, if I have more speed counters than you I can inflict damage to you equal to that difference times 300! I have three speed counters and you have one meaning the difference is two so you lose 600 life points!" He exclaimed.

4000 —> 3400 LPS


"Don't worry Grian, I have a plan!" Scar assured him.

Do I? I got effect damage and not battle damage, he didn't attack me. Really thought I outsmarted him, He thought as he glanced at the mosquito.

"I end my turn!" The first Sector Security shouted.

"Ok my turn! I draw!" Scar drew a card and stared at it for a bit.

SC: 3 —> 4

"I summon Naturia Horneedle (ATK: 1800 DF: 100) and then I set this card down. Turn over," he said.

"That's it?" The first Sector Security asked, confused? Is this Satellite scum just giving up like that? He thought.

Grian began to worry. They haven't been playing this game for a long time.

Yes, Scar, Joel and Etho practiced a lot with Rally and the others but that was all fun and games. No one cared if they won or lost.

Here though, Scar has to win or they will both end up in jail and maybe a marker on their face like Rally.

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