There's going to be a ton of flashbacks so buckle in!

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CW/TW: throwing up. A tragic childhood. Heavily implication of a child getting hit once. Signs of manipulation.

Just saying that I'm only writing how the show portrays it. 5DS is definitely one of the more darker series of Yugioh so be warned when it comes to dark topics like these.

(3rd Person PoV)

Joel felt something in his stomach. Something that made him feel sick and he held onto it.

"Joel, are you ok?" Yusei asked, concerned.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Joel assured him but in a quiet voice.

Yeah right, a voice in his head said but he shook it off.

He didn't need his conscience telling him things that he already knows.

Yusei looked at him, worry in his eyes.

He was told by everyone else that Joel fainted upon seeing the Earthbound Immortal during his duel.

But if that was the case then why is Joel looking like he wants to throw up if he hasn't seen an Earthbound Immortal?

Due to the pulsing of his Signer mark, Yusei can sense the Earthbound Immortal but Joel isn't a Signer is he?

How could he have sense the Earthbound Immortal and feel sick?

Unless it's like-

Yusei then felt another pulse from his mark and held onto it.

Another one? He thought.

He then heard a noise coming from Joel.

"Joel!" He cried out as Joel collapsed to his knees and vomited on the ground.

Yusei crouched down to check Joel's temperature once taking off the glove on his hand.

He was heating up and Joel's face seemed pale.

"Damn...Martha!" Yusei called out to her.

Martha came out, and looked at him confused.

"What's with the racket?" She asked.

"It's Joel, he threw up," Yusei explained and Joel proceeded to vomit again.

"Oh dear. Come, get him inside the house and have him vomit in the trash can if he continues to do so. I'll go get medicine for him," Martha instructed quickly.

"Right," Yusei helped Joel up, whose hand was covering his mouth in order to keep the vomit in there and took him to the hallway after grabbing a trash can from the kitchen on the way there.

Joel vomited a third time and shook like a leaf.

Two doors opened and the rest of the Double Lifers poked their head out.

"Joel? Big Beans, what's wrong?" Scar asked.

Etho didn't say anything but just held onto his neck where he could feel scorching burns. It was like Joel was taking damage to his throat and Etho was feeling it.

Martha came in, medicine in hand.

"Is he done throwing up?" She asked.

"I don't know," Yusei admitted but then Joel lifted his head from the trash, tears in his eyes.

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