The Evil Monkey King

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(3rd Person PoV)

Back in the real world, Rua's legs were shaking and he was breathing heavily.

"Rua," Yusei murmured, worriedly.

"I wonder how long he'll last," Etho said.

"He'll be ok...I hope," Ushio sighed.

Rua turned to Power Tool Dragon and asked, "are you alright?" And his dragon nodded.

Rua smiled at this before turning to Dimark who was laughing.

"You held out, it seems. I set two cards down and end my turn," Dimark said.

"Alright! The real fight begins now because it's my turn!" Rua declared and drew a card.

I need to get a card to beat Zeman the Ape King! He thought.

"I activate Power Tool Dragon's effect. I add a random equip spell to my hand from my deck," Rua said.

A random card came out from his deck and Rua took a deep breath.

Please! Let this card be the one, he thought and drew it. He looked at it and a wide grin spread across his face.

"Yes! I equip Megamorph! Now Power Tool Dragon's attack points will be doubled!" Rua cheered.



"Huh? Why haven't the attack points gone up?" Rua asked, worriedly.

"You ignorant fool. That card only works when your life points are lower than mine but as you can see, we both have the same amount of life points," Dimark explained.

"Oh no! This was supposed to be my game breaking combo! I'm out of options now!" Rua wailed with some tears coming out of his eyes.

"Heh, looks like fate isn't too kind to those who are not a Signer," Dimark said.

"Rua!" Yusei called out and the boy turned to look at him.

"Don't forget, that the cards you poured your faith and wishes into are all in that deck of yours. If you believe in your cards, they will answer back, just believe! The cards you took care of won't betray you!" Yusei shouted.

"Yusei...," Rua then looked at the cards that were currently in his hand.

His eyes widen.

I see now. Power Tool Dragon's effect allows it to negate attacks and effects that would destroy it as long as it has an equip card equipped to it and sent to the graveyard, he thought.

"I switch Power Tool Dragon to defense mode and end my turn," he declared.

His dragon curled up and turned blue, signifying that it went to defense mode.

"What a fool. Playing defense in a Shadow Duel is not a useful tactic," Dimark scoffed.

Rua took a deep breath to calm himself. "I just have to trust in my cards and wait for his chance, just like Yusei said," he said to himself.

(In the Spirit World)

"So you were the one who called me here?" Ruka asked Regulus who nodded.

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