1-Forget Everything and Run

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(The chapter title is a two parter and will be connected to a much later chapter. Those who seem the anime probably know why but for those who don't, think of it as a rematch and you'll see why once reading this chapter)

(3rd Person PoV)


Crow and Grian turned around to see people running towards them. It was Rally, Nerve, Blitz, Taka, Scar, Joel and Etho.

"You guys...," Crow said.

"Where's Yusei?" Rally asked and Grian pointed towards the purple flames and then pointed to the screen that was showing the duel.

"Huh? Why is Yusei in a Riding Duel?" Blitz asked.

"And who's dueling him?" Taka asked.

"Kiryu," Crow responded, flatly.

"Uhh who's that?" Joel asked but, other than Scar and Etho, the rest of them gasped.

"You mean...Kiryu Kyosuke?" Nerve asked.

"Again, who is that?" Joel asked, folding his arms.

"An old friend," Crow muttered and at the same time, Grian responded with, "A Dark Signer."

"Dark Signer?!" Everyone yelped.

"This field isn't used by the Virtual System. If hit by an attack, Yusei could very much lose his own life," Crow added on.

"...Yusei...," Rally stared at the screen with worry.

Meanwhile during the duel, Yusei was making sure that his Duel Runner still worked. It took a big hit after getting tossed into the flames and crashing against said flames.

"Come...don't fail me now," he muttered to himself.

"What's wrong Yusei? One more hit and your Duel Runner is finished!" Kiryu laughed.

"...dammit," Yusei murmured. Thankfully Grian couldn't hear this.

He looked at his empty field and then at Kiryu's.


"I draw!" He shouted. He then grinned at the card he drew.

"When there are no monsters that I control and you control a monster, I can special summon this card as a level 4 monster. Go, Level Warrior (ATK: 300. DF: 600)!" Yusei shouted.

A humanoid creature with what appears to be a red jumpsuit and helmet plus a cape appeared. At first, he seemed to have only three stars on his body but then in a blink of an eye, another star appeared on top of his head.

Lv 3 —> 4

"Then I'll summon Hyper Syncron(ATK: 1600. DF: 800)," Yusei added on.

A smaller monster appeared on his field next to Level Monster.

"Level 4 Hyper Syncron tunes Level 4 Level Warrior! The wishes come together to form a new shining star. Become the path that lights the way!"

Stars seem to surround Level Warrior and he disappeared into a bright light.

"Syncro Summon! Soar, Stardust Dragon(ATK: 2500. DF: 2000)!" Yusei finished.

A pretty and shiny dragon appeared from the light, his wings leaving behind glimmers of light. No wonder, they thought of this monster as a symbol of hope.

Kiryu just laughed however and said, "That dragon is proof that you're a Signer!"

Grian's eyes widen as he saw the dragon get summoned. It was almost exactly like his dream. Now he sees that dragon in real time, how can Yusei use his ace to defeat Kiryu?

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