The disrespect mah boi gets (also lore again)

47 3 15

(3rd Person PoV)

"Heh, suffer! Shiver in terror and be consumed by the inferno of terror!"


The Duel Runner crashed and the rider fell off of it, rolling on the ground, injured.

A large monster with blue lines loomed over and looked like it was about to crush the rider...

Yusei woke up, yelling.

When he realized that it was a dream and that he was inside, he sat up and realized that not only was he was shirtless but also his side was wrapped in bandages.

What happened?

"You're finally awake, Yusei," someone said and Yusei looked over at his side.


"Geez, kids these days. Always doing something dangerous. From the moment you could walk and talk, you went over to the machines and went on dangerous paths and didn't even send a letter," Martha sighed and even though her tone was more or less teasing, there were some worries in there as well.

She then asked, "What were you doing anyway?"

"..." Yusei looked down and told her the whole story about the Dark Signers and his duel with Kiryu.

He then looked out the window and saw that his Duel Runner was there.

Surrounded by curious kids but still there.

"Rally and the others brought it back here, risking their dignity to bring it back. You have some strong friends, Yusei," Martha noted.

"..." Yusei didn't respond which worried Martha more.

"Crow also brought you here, along with new friends I suppose. The four of them are outside by the way," Martha added on and turned away to grab an apple and a knife.

"...yeah," Yusei said.

He held one hand over his side and winced, still remembering last night.

The pain and fear was still too raw to think about.

"So...Dark Signers huh? Sounds dangerous to take one alone," Martha noted.

"Yeah...," Yusei agreed.

"Then why go there alone if you knew it was dangerous. Doesn't seem like the Yusei I know," Martha pointed out as she cut the apple into two before cutting the two parts into two apple slices.

She added on, "The Yusei I know would trust on his friends and relies on them in his time of need. They open up the door to your heart, you know."

Martha then approached him with the plate of apple slices. "Here."

"Thanks," Yusei said and took the plate.

Meanwhile outside, Joel and Scar were dueling.

"I now attack your Big Eye (ATK: 1200. DF: 1000) with my Naturia Cliff (ATK: 1500. DF: 1000). Rumbling Earth!" Scar shouted.

"Not so fast, Scar! I activate my trap, Defense Draw! During your turn in the damage calculation, I can make the damage I would have taken, zero and when I do, I get to draw a card!" Joel exclaimed.

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