The Encounter With The Cowboy

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Hey everyone who reads this or at least takes the time to. This is my very first fan-fiction that I have ever written so if you want to critique on my work, please do, just don't be too harsh. If I have any errors, feel free to correct me. I'm trying my very best so please don't be too hard on me. I've always wanted to write fan-fictions but I've never really had the time to. This will pretty much be like every average HM fan-fiction I guess. Well! Um, I suppose, happy readings?
(Italics are thoughts

Chelsea's POV
It's been a while since I moved to this island. About a month since I got here, I think. I still remember exactly when I arrived but there is one thing.. A person, to be exact, that bothers me more than anything. That rude, tall, cowboy who's.. Really.. Good looking.. But that's not the point here! He completely ignores me when I say hello to him and whenever I accidentally bump into him he yells at me to watch where I'm going! What kinda guy is this?! I'm friends with everyone on this island, so I don't see what his problem is.. I didn't even do anything to him.

I thought about all of these things in my head as I was plowing the field and tending to my animals. I sighed in both exhaust and frustration and I suddenly remembered that it's Monday.

"Oh... He's here today.."

I heard footsteps approaching me and I looked up to see it was none other than Julia.

"Ohoho? Who's here today?~" Julia eyed me, knowing who I was talking about.

I blushed slightly as I responded coolly, unaffected by what she said.
"Nothing.. Just pretend you didn't hear anything."

"Are you sure it doesn't involve a guy? Aka my cousin?~"

I stood tiredly and sighed.

"I'm not like you Julia. Always making sure you're right in Elliot's eye"

"H-Hey! Elliot's got nothing to do with it!"

We both laughed after after a pause of silence.

"So what brings you here today Julia?"

She looks very serious for a minute before replying.

"Oh well, Mom said she wanted you to try to become friends with Vaughn since he's such an antisocial guy. I told her it was hopeless but, meh." She looked to the side and shrugged.

Me? Be friends? With that guy?! Are you kidding me?! It really is hopeless, what is Mirabelle thinking?..

A look of dismay came
across my face.

"Oh, don't give that look, it's not THAT bad..?"

"I mean.. I'll try, but don't blame me if it doesn't end up working."

Julia took her leave and I put my tools away as I was done for the rest of the day.

I walked towards Verdure Island and remembered that I had to pick up some chicken feed before I run out, since I was running low. I walked into Mirabelle's animal shop, and Vaughn was working in the corner. I glanced over at him and went to Mirabelle.

"Hey Mirabelle, I'd like some chicken feed please."

She smiled kindly as she always did.

"Hey Vaughn! Get some bags of chicken feed and take them to Chelsea's farm with her, would you?"

I heard him groan in annoyance and he stood before me and slung the bag of feed over his shoulder. He walked outside and I paid for the feed that I bought. I quickly walked outside as I thanked Mirabelle.

Vaughn stood there waiting impatiently.
"...Took ya long enough."

Oh the nerve of this guy..

I kept my anger within me though.

I smiled at him and apologized.
"Sorry. I had to pay and Mirabelle was about to start a conversation."

We both walked to Ranch Island, him following behind me. I felt so awkward since not a single word was said so I tried to make a conversation.

"Uh.. So, Vaughn right? What do you usually do when you're not on the island?"

He sighed with annoyance, and responded with a monotone voice.
"I'm an animal trader."

What a short answer..

We got to Ranch Island after what seemed like forever and he dropped off the chicken feed and was about to leave.

"Um.. Vaughn!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned slightly towards me.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

He said nothing but tip his hat and walked away. I then realized that it was getting late so I went to sleep, since I had nothing better to do.

Like I said, this is my first fanfic so, I'm sorry if it's not very good.. I'm only a beginner, I'm sorry. I'll try to get better as I work harder on writing!

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